Page 35 - Bere Regis November 2023
P. 35

November 2023                       November 2023

        First meeting in 3.5 years!
        We enjoyed our first meeting in well over three years on 27th
        September 2023. It was a well-attended meeting and it began
        with apologies for the extended absence due in most part to
        the Covid-19 pandemic and secondly to health issues for me
        as the Secretary after my mother's death. We then reminded
        ourselves of the original aims of the Society, in that we would
        use  the  finds  of  archaeology  to  answer  the  many  questions
        about the early phase of our region in the country.
        After that we were told about the new Museum that we have in the village to
        preserve finds and documents of all sorts for the future. There would soon be an
        open-day so that members and friends could see what we have achieved so far.
                                         There  was  still  some  work  to  do  on  that
                                         project,  in  particular  new  plumbing,
                                         electrical  systems,  and  some  work  on  the
                                         roof.  It  was  shown  how  some  Bere  Regis
                                         clay  had  been  used  in  an  experimental-
                                         archaeological  way  to  produce  a  clay
                                         vessel  which  was  now  ready  to  fire
                                         properly.  There  might  be  other  clay
                                         samples  in  the  village  to  try  out.  On  the
                                         previous  Sunday  we had  a field walk  and
                                         found  over  300  items.  We  asked  the
                                         members  to  clean  some  of  these  finds  so
                                         that they could feel part of the process of
                                         collecting, cleaning and analysing.

       Romano-British decorated ware
                                                  John Pitfield  -  Projects Secretary

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