Page 31 - Bere Regis November 2023
P. 31

November 2023                       November 2023
 The  shop  selling  various  refreshments  and  hot  food  is  manned  entirely  by   attempts  to  increase  as  the  switchover  date  nears.  In  addition  to  phone  calls,
 volunteers but the lifeguards  (mostly university students) are paid.  Around 9,000   criminals may create phishing emails and fake websites to try to obtain peoples’
 people use the pool each year with a maximum of around 500 in any one day.   personal data.
 Interestingly the customers were 52% children, 32% adult and 15% concessions, a
 rough 50/50 split between adults and children.   Telecoms  providers  such  as  Virgin  Media,  O2  or  BT  should  contact  customers
       before the switchover to check in to make sure their service isn’t affected.
 Enough  of  these  rather  boring  statistics,  what  I  liked  about  this  pool  was  its
 wonderful timeless quality. In 5 years time it will have been serving the people of   Anyone with telecare services should check how the switchover will affect them,
 Cirencester for 150 years, a tribute to its current band of willing volunteers and all   and what they need to do to be ready, so their care isn’t disrupted.
 those who  have gone  before  them.  What better  accolade can you  give  than
 that?   Seen a scam? Report it to Action Fraud online or by calling 0300 123 2040.
 Bob Holman   If you  want  advice because  you  have  been affected by  a scam, then  call  the
       Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 0808 2231133, or visit

          When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw
 Thank you to Linda Lamon
            their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the
 Linda  staged  the  wonderful  “Forever  Home  “2  day
 Exhibition  at  the    Village  Hall  in  September  /  October   effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
 and  this  was  a  great  opportunity  to  see  some  of  her   VILLAGE
 amazing photos.                advertising revenue!!

 Thank  you  for   HALL
    sharing  all  your
 knowledge  and
 images  with  the  community  and  for
 choosing the Village Hall as your venue.

 Hall Bookings
 If  you  want  to  book  the  Village  Hall
 please  contact  our  booking  Secretary
 J  o  a  n  n  a     S  y  r  e  t  t      or
 telephone   01929 472037 she will also be able to show you around if you are not
 familiar with the building.

 Fancy a game of table tennis

 As part of our bid to try to generate some income for the Hall we are able to offer
 family  table  tennis  sessions,   if  you  are  interested in  hiring  it    the  fee  is    £10  per
 family for an hour.

 Contact the Booking Secretary Joanna on  01929 472037

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