Page 32 - Bere Regis November 2023
P. 32

November 2023                                                                       November 2023
            RECIPE OF THE MONTH                                                             and  apart  from  a  few  very  minor
                                                                                            than 3/16 .inch thick 20 years ago
                Thanks to our WI members for sharing their favourites                       cracks  was  still  going  strong
                                                                                            maintenance free to this very day.
                                                                                            The  pool  was  often  a  focal  point
           Scotch Eggs                                                                      for  the  town  hosting  swimming
                                                                                            galas  and  water  polo  matches.
           I did this the other day and realised how yummy they are and filling.            Indeed, the game was so popular
                                                                                            in the town that at one time most
                                                                                            of  the  pubs  had  their  own  polo
           Ingredients                                                                      team.

                5 eggs                                                                     Like most pools it had come under

                1  pkt  of  sausages                                                       threat  and  in  1973  when  it  was
                 good quality                                                               losing  substantial  amounts  of
                                                                                            water, the council wanted to close
                Panko breadcrumbs                                                          the  pool.  However,  the  problem
                                                                                            was  soon  fixed  and  the  local
                Oil for frying
                                                                                            population    of   Cirencester
                                                                                            campaigned to keep it open.  An
           Method                                                                           ex- lady mayor gave a substantial
                                                                                            sum  and  the  pool  was  saved  for
           1.  Boil  4  eggs  cool  and                                                     future generations.
           remove the shells
                                                                                            Since  then,  the  management  of
           2.  Take  the  skin  off  the                                                    the pool was handed over to a charitable trust in 1983 which is now looking at
           sausages  and  mix  into  a                                                      converting  into  a  CIO  (Charitable  Incorporated  Organisation)  providing  limited
           ball.  At  this  stage  you  can                                                 liability for the trustees.
           add some herbs or spice to
           the sausage meat but I just                                                      The  pool  enjoys  the  support  of  Cirencester  Town  Council  who  owns  the  site,
           like to buy savoury sausages like toulouse.                                      charges a peppercorn rent and provides a yearly grant of between £2,500 and
                                                                                            £3,000.  This  in  recent  years  has  been  match  funded  by  St  James  Place  Wealth
           3.  Divide  into  4  then  slightly  flour  a  board  and  roll  out  the  sausage   Management
           meat and wrap around the egg.  Repeat with each egg.
                                                                                            The committee is always looking at new initiatives. For instance, local youths were
           4. Crack the spare egg into a bowl and beat. In another dish put the             coming  in  over  the  walls  a  few  years  ago  so  it  was  decided  to  make  Friday
           Panko  breadcrumbs  these  are  fab  to  use  but  you  can  use  any            evening a Youth Evening for 10-17 year olds. This was an attempt to engage with
           breadcrumbs.                                                                     young people, cut vandalism and it seems to have worked.

           5.  Dip  each  scotch  egg  in  the  beaten  egg    then  roll  in  the          A couple of years ago, the pool made an offer to single parent families of a hot
           breadcrumbs and put to one side.                                                 meal and a free swim. Adult sessions and lane sessions are also on offer in what I
                                                                                            feel is a very inclusive approach by the committee. Early morning lane swimming
           6. When ready fry in oil until browned on all sides and enjoy.                   is very popular amongst the dedicated serious swimmers.

                                                                                            As we sat in the small room overlooking the pool, I noticed some books on the
                                                                                            shelves. It  turned  out  that  a local  lady  Val  Wheeler  had  been  running  this fund
                                                                                            raiser for a number of years from a local hall which raises £1,000 each year for the

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