Page 32 - nov-2022
P. 32

November 2022                       November 2022
       fortunate  that  our  lengthsman  Tony  has  carried  out  a
 huge w shape as we were pulled one way, then the other by the prevailing tide.   number of repairs to restore them all to their former glory,
       as  can  be  seen  in  the  photograph  below.  We  remind
 For the second 6 hours we made slow but sure progress across the busy shipping   ourselves how lucky we are to have such a service that
 lanes edging closer and closer towards the French coast. Soon, around lunchtime   many larger villages and towns do not have access to.
 the  sun  began  to  shine  and  the  sea  flattened  and  calmed.  We  were  now
 swimming in relatively good conditions but another problem was soon to emerge.
 We had been very close to the Calais ferry lanes, a definite no-go area for our   Country Watch Dorset
 small boat. As I got in for my last hourly swim I was told to swim hard to maintain
 our position just outside the ferry area. When I climbed the steps after my swim I   This  is  a  scheme  launched  by  Dorset  Police  to  bring
 was congratulated for maintaining our position. It is the first time in my life that I   together  multiple  partnership  agencies  to  help  combat
 was praised for going literally nowhere!   rural  crime.  As  well  as  links  to  reporting  fly  tipping,  there  are  a  range  of  other
       re s ou rc e s   avai l abl e    th rou gh    th ei r   we bsi te    at   h ttps :/ /
 We  were waiting for  the  tide  to turn  which it  did  soon  after  and first  Kevin and
 then  Robert  completed  our  swim.  Robert  landed  at  Sangatte  beach  roughly
 halfway between Cap Gris Nez and Calais. Coincidentally, Sangatte was where I
 landed 30 years ago and where Kevin finished his last channel solo swim.   Next Meeting
 There was of course euphoria as the rest of the team swam behind Robert onto   The next meeting will be held on Thursday 10  November 2022, commencing 7pm
 the beach. It had taken 17 hours and 57 minutes and no one blinked during that   at the Drax Hall. If you wish to have an item added to the agenda for discussion,
 time. It was a huge effort by the whole team and we felt quite rightly proud of   please  contact  the  Clerk  or  a  member  of  the  Parish  Council  by  the  end  of
 ourselves. We had done it and were now, subject ratification, the oldest team to   October.
 swim the English Channel, a world record! I also felt that it was great that Robert
 our oldest swimmer was to be the one to take us to the finishing line.   Bryan Benjafield
 When we all landed on the beach we were greeted by four French gendarmes.
 Did we look like illegal immigrants? We would of course have been rather elderly
 ones  if  we  were!  Would  we  be  required  to  swim  back  to  the  boat  for  our   RHODES TO SUCCESS
 passports? Thankfully they were rather friendly policemen who sent us on our way
 without as much as a warning! However, they did stay a little while to make sure   Dog Trainer
 we went back to the boat.

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 We  had  decided  to  raise  money  for  Alzheimer’s  Research  UK  through  our  Just   E.Mail:
 Giving webpage   We have raised
                                              Facebook & Instagram:@rhodes2success22

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