Page 27 - nov-2022
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November 2022                                                                       November 2022

       approached  to  see  whether  they  would  be  interested  in  having  an  Investment
       Zone.    At  that  time  the  details  of the  policy  had not  been  announced.  At  that   POP IN PLACE NEWS
       stage Dorset Council had only been asked to make an expression of interest to
       Government.  However, this does not represent any form of commitment at this         Thank you to all who supported our
       point  in  time  by  either  Government  or  Dorset  Council.  Dorset  Council  has  now   Macmillan Morning in September.
       submitted  three  Expressions  of  Interest  to  government  for  potential  Investment
       Zones in Dorset. These are:                                                          Although  the  number  of  people  supporting  this  event
                                                                                            was down on previous, years we were still delighted that
       Weymouth  –  several  regeneration  sites  around  the  waterside  at  Weymouth      we were able to donate £365.52 to Macmillan cancer support.
       harbour and marina. The proposal is to redevelop disused and under-developed
       sites  to  provide  homes  and  jobs,  with  opportunities  for  commercial  and  leisure                             Thank you to everyone who helped made
       developments.  Portland  –  the  port  area,  offering  opportunities  for  commercial                                cakes  donated  raffle  items  and  items  for
       and business operations, and a residential site in Castletown. It should be noted                                     sale. Our Thanks to the following businesses
       that  the  proposed  location  for  an  incinerator  at  Portland  Port  (currently  going                            who  donated  vouchers;  The  Red  Lion
       through the planning process) is explicitly excluded from the Expression of Interest.                                 Sturminster  Marshall,  Holme  for  Gardens,
       The  decision  on  the  incinerator  is  subject  to  the  independent  planning  process                             Bovington  Tank  Museum,  Dorset  County
       and will be unaffected by any proposal for an Investment Zone.                                                        Museum,    Abbotsbury   Gardens    and
                                                                                                                             Swannery    and  Athelhampton  House  and
       Wool  –  a  site  adjacent  to  the  existing  Dorset  Innovation  Park  to  build  on  the                           Gardens.
       success  there  by  offering  further investment  and  development  opportunities  for
       key sectors including advanced engineering and manufacturing.
                                                                                            Bere Regis Community Café Pop In and see us you will be
       It  is  understood  that  the  government’s  new  Investment  Zones  will  accelerate
       development of infrastructure to drive economic growth by offering tax breaks for    very welcome
       potential  investors  and  simplified,  reduced  regulation  and  planning  processes.   Every Friday morning we are here at the Community Café to welcome everyone
       The aim is to attract new investment to create jobs. It is not yet known when the    who walks through the door.
       government  will  announce  decisions  on  Expressions  of  Interest  for  Investment
       Zones.                                                                               We also welcome new volunteers to help on our team for serving the drinks and
                                                                                            at events.

       Local Plan                                                                           Call the Team Leader Alison 01929 472023 for more details.
       You  will  be  aware  that  we  have  put  back  the  timescales  for  the  local  plan,  a   The café is open for coffee, tea, squash, latte and biscuits.
       number of people have asked me what the implications for Neighbourhood plans         In  the  Lower  Hall  there  is  a  workshop.  If  you  need  a  lift  telephone  Kim  01929
       are. I reproduce below the response I have received.                                 471170

       You will be aware that Cabinet agreed an update to the Local Development
       Scheme (LDS) at its meeting on Tuesday (4th October).  The revised LDS (as
       agreed) sets out the anticipated milestones for key stages in the preparation of     Blankets for Bere
       development plans. The LDS needs to be reviewed from time to time to ensure          The Pop In Place is building a stock of lovely hand- made blankets that our ladies
       the milestones are as accurate as possible so that communities are aware of          are  knitting  for  the  colder weather.    If  you  are  able  to  help  with  this  we  would
       when a development plan that we are preparing is likely to be reaching a key         welcome either squares double knit wool on 4mm needles cast on 24 stiches and
       milestone such as a formal consultation stage. The LDS currently shows timetables    do 48 rows  or a completed finished item.
       for the Purbeck Local Plan, Dorset Council Local Plan and the Minerals Plan.
                                                                                            If you would like one of these free of charge just get in touch. The Pop In Place is
       Neighbourhood Plans, once made, also form part of the development plan, but          committed to helping the local community in crisis so please do get in touch they
                                                                                            are available to anyone who is struggling with heating costs.

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