Page 37 - nov-2022
P. 37

November 2022                                                                       November 2022

                                                                                            activities.  These issues can have a negative impact on local communities.
                                                                                            The sale of illegal tobacco is not limited to shops, although this is still prevalent. Its
                                                                                            sale  can  take  place  from  private  homes,  pubs,  clubs,  car  boot  sales  and  via
       On the 21st September 21 WI Ladies set off on a                                      social media such as Facebook. You must be 18 to buy tobacco in the UK. Illegal
       beautiful  sunny  day  to  Compton  Acres  near                                      sellers  can  target  children,  recruiting  new  smokers  to  keep  their  business
       Poole  -  the  South's  finest  privately  owned                                     sustainable.
       gardens  -  for  a  guided  tour  around  the  huge
       garden  which  is  separated  into  a  Italianate                                    All genuine tobacco products sold in the UK must be sold in standardised (olive
       garden - a small Roman Courtyard with a statue of a boy with a turtle on his back    coloured) packaging. If tobacco is cheap, then the chances are it is illegal. You
       - The Grotto, The Grand Italian Garden, Th Palm Court, the Wooded Valley, the        can  report  illegal  sales  to  Trading  Standards  via  that  Citizens  Advice  consumer
       Bog  Garden,  the  Rock  and  Water  Garden,  the  Sculpture  Garden,  the  Heather   helpline on 0808 2231133.
       Garden, the Memory Link and ended with the Japanese Garden. We were taken
       on  a  guided  tour  by  one  of  the  several  gardeners  who  must  be  constantly
       working  throughout  the  year  to  keep  all  the  gardens  in  immaculate  condition.
       They are constantly changing the annual flower beds and especially the spring          When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them
       bulbs which are taken out each year - and the bulbs are disposed off and a new
       variety and colour planted. So if you are lucky enough to be in the garden at this     you saw their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them
       time of year you may be able to pick up these discarded bulbs.                         monitor the effectiveness of their advert and helps us
                                                       The   paths   around   the
                                                       gardens varied from hilly to                      generate more advertising revenue!!
                                                       flat so it was quite a relief to
                                                       sit   down   outside   the
                                                       Summer  House  from  where
                                                       you  could  see  the  sea  in
                                                       the  distance  and  listen  to
                                                       the  gardener.  We  then
                                                       p r o g r e s s e d    t o    t h e
                                                       Japanese  Garden  which  is
                                                       recognised  as  one  of  the
                                                       best  in  Britain.  The  Tea
                                                       House  and  the  Thatched
                                                       S u m m e r h o u s e    a r e
                                                       constructed  to  authentic
                                                       d e s i g n s    a n d    a r e
                                                       surrounded  by  beautiful
       Japanese Maples and Asiatic flowering Shrubs.
       Having reached the end of our tour we arrived at the plant centre where they
       stock a variety of plants, tools and other garden sundries then into the Gift shop
       selling unique gifts, toys, cards and even Italian food!
       At very good prices too! Very well worth a visit.
       Then . of course, what we were all anticipating - the Cream Tea - and it did not
       disappoint. It was wonderful.

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