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November 2022                       November 2022

 SOCIABLE BOOKWORMS                              GARDENING CLUB

 Hello everyone                      After  a  three  year  break  caused  by  the

 The Sociable Bookworms started reading Becoming   Pandemic it  was  good  to  be  back  in  the Drax
 Michelle  Obama  in  October  and  our  September   Hall in October with our annual Harvest Supper.
 book was The Lido by Libby Page…we hope to have   Thirty members sat down to a supper consisting of baked Potatoes, Ham a salad
 a  review  for  both  books  for  you  in  the  December   selection, followed by a scrumptious pudding table.  No one could decide which
 magazine.    pudding to have so had some of each.  If that wasn’t enough and you had room
       you could follow that up with a cheese board.
 Some  of  our  group  went  to  a  ‘meet  the  author  event’  with  Rachel  McLean  at
 Dorchester  Library  on  a  Saturday  morning.  This  was  a    really  interesting  and   To  complete  the  evening  Pip  Evans  had  been  persuaded  to  give  up  his  usual
 enjoyable opportunity to listen to the author of The Corfe Castle Murder, which   Tuesday  evening  and  come  and  give  us  a  thirty  minute  talk  and  slide  show
 regular  readers  may  remember  we  read  earlier  this  year,  explain  how  she   featuring  World  Gardens  he  had  visited.    The  evening  wound  up  with  a  grand
       I  would  like  to  say  a  big  thank  you  to  our  members  for  bringing  salads  and
       puddings and for staying and helping to clear up afterwards.  The harvest supper
       does take a bit of planning and it is not easy trying to get things into the Drax Hall
       with difficulties parking at night and with the stairs but I think it was worth it.
       Next  month  lst November  we are competing with Pip’s  Music night  at the Drax
       Arms but most of our members thinking about next year are coming to listen to
       Jenny Short who is giving a talk on herbaceous perennials.  It will be good to start
       thinking about next year.

       Also put our December meeting in
 develops her different series of books, the characters and their relationships with   your  diary.    I  tried  to  grow  wild
 each  other,  her  writing  style  and  answer  numerous  questions  from  the   flowers on banks in my garden this
 audience….plus  we  followed  it  with  coffee  and  cake  and  then  a  trawl  of  the   summer.  I got Thyme, Borage and
 local charity book shops.    Yarrow  in  abundance.    Poppies,
       cornflowers  and  corn  marigolds
 We also had a lovely evening recently when a small group of us had a pizza and   failed to materialize.  What did I do
 wine  at  Basilico  Italian  restaurant  before  heading  to  The  Plaza  Dorchester  to   wrong?    We  have  a  talk  called
 watch ‘Mrs Harris goes to Paris’…another previous book club read. If you haven’t   “Throw  and  Grow”,    on  how  to
 managed to see this yet, you should try to see it.  There’s a few more books in the   grow  a  Wild  flower  meadow  and
 Mrs Harris series too, written by Paul Gallico…I wonder if any more will be released   other  annual  flowers.    It  might  be
 in film version?   good  to  think  about  areas  of  the
       village  to  try  and  grow  some  wild
 We  are  still  welcoming  new  members  to  our  group  and  currently  meet  every  4   flowers.  It will be good for insects, colour, and cheer us all up.
 weeks at the Royal Oak…our next two meetings are at 7:15pm on 02/11/2022 and
 30/11/2022.   During the winter months we usually meet in the Drax Hall on the first Tuesday of
       the Month for a talk.  Meetings start at 7.30 and you are usually home by 9.30 p.m.
       I am looking for ideas for talks and outings next year so please let me have any
       ideas and suggestions.

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