Page 29 - nov-2022
P. 29

November 2022                                                                       November 2022

       these do not need to be included in the LDS because their preparation is not
       compulsory, and Dorset Council is not responsible for preparing them. Therefore,     VILLAGE HALL
       the revised milestones that were agreed by Cabinet do not affect the timescales
       of any neighbourhood plans that are currently being prepared, and local
       communities can continue to proceed with their preparation in the normal way.        For  many  years  the  Hall  has  been  registered  with  the
       Such plans are expected to accord with relevant strategic policies so will need to   charity commission and trades with the bank account of
       have regard to any extant adopted local plans in advance of the adoption of          Village Hall Bere Regis .                               VILLAGE
       the emerging Dorset Council Local Plan. As per usual, Dorset Council officers can    Local people still refer to it as the Drax Hall and probably
       provide support and guidance to anyone involved in preparing a neighbourhood         always will, but just for the record we are Village Hall Bere   HALL
       plan.                                                                                Regis   and  are encouraging people  to use  this  to try to
       Regards, Cllr David Walsh, Portfolio Holder for Planning                             limit any confusion with payments or advertising.

       Care Dorset                                                                          Hall Bookings
       I am pleased to inform you the new Local  Authority Trading Company  (LATCo),        If you want to book the Hall ,  both of the rooms are £10 per hour ,please phone…
       Care Dorset, is now up and running. Care Dorset has been created to provide the
       right adult social care services to the residents of Dorset Council now and in the   Alison Bennett 01929  472023  or email
       future, taking over the provision of care from Tricuro. Dorset Council residents who
       previously  received  care  through  Tricuro  will  continue  to  receive  services  as   We are happy to show you around if you are not familiar with the building.
       before through Care Dorset.                                                          The  Hall  needs  all  the  bookings  we  can  now  to  help  it  survive,  please  consider
       Dorset  Council  is  the  single  shareholder  of  Care  Dorset.  Dorset  Council    using this village facility.
       commissions care services for residents from Care Dorset. If any issues are brought
       to  your  attention,  please  do  not  hesitate  to  get  in  touch  by  emailing    Christmas Bookings Available and it will be addressed.
                                                                                            The hall is available for family parties over the festive season so if you can’t all get
       Care Dorset and Dorset Council are recruiting to many roles in Adult Social Care     into one house why not book the Village Hall .
       which can be viewed and applied for here Care Dorset – Aspiring market leader
       providing  support  to  adults  in  Dorset  and  Dorset  jobs  -  Dorchester,  Weymouth,   In December we will have a large real Christmas tree in the upper hall.
       Christchurch, Wimborne, Wareham, Blandford (

                                                                                            Fancy a game of table tennis
       Full Report
                                                                                            As part of our bid to try to
       The  full  report  for  West  Purbeck  is  available  on  the  Bere  Regis  Parish  Council   generate  some  income
       website.                                                                             for the Hall we are able to
                                                                                            offer  family  table  tennis

                                                                                            sessions,    if  you  are
       Surgeries                                                                            interested  in  hiring  it    the
       We are back to holding face to face meetings. However, we would also be more         fee  is    £10  per  family  for
       than delighted to talk to you on the telephone or via Zoom. Please ring or email     an hour.
       us  with  some  details  so  that  we  can  prepare  ourselves.  Peter’s  email  address  is   Please  telephone  01929    telephone   07986   600799   and    Laura’s   is           472023 to book.  telephone 07814 569563

                         Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck

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