Page 16 - br-nov-2020
P. 16

November 2020                                                                       November 2020

                                 OBITUARIES                                               COMMUNITY SAFETY CAMPAIGN … TO SLOW
                                                                                          DOWN THE C6 ROAD  THROUGH BERE REGIS
                  They  lived  at  32  Old  Barn  Road  for  40  years.    Glo  says  it  wasn't
                  always champagne and roses but they worked through problems
          and differences and stuck together.                                              Thank  you  to  all  who  have
                                                                                           responded to the petition ,
          They were both heavily involved in the RBL club.  Rich ran the entertainment     we need to pull together as
          section for several years and then became Chairman.  Rich was always a bit       a  community    to  see  if
          shy about meeting new people but Glo's Dad had instilled in them both that       anything  can  be  done  to
          there  should  never  be  any  strangers  in  the  club,  so  Rich  became  a  good   slow  down  this  busy  road
                                                                                           through our village.
          They  both  worked  tirelessly  for  the  club  and  this  became  their  social  life,   The   petition   is   gaining
          working the bar and they met many wonderful people over the years.
                                                                                           signatures and on writing 150 villagers have signed we have also had letters and
          Valerie,  Diana  and  Glo's  sister  Bev  went  on  to  marry  and  Rich  welcomed   films sent describing dangerous driving incidents and near misses.
          Kevin,  Mark,  Woody  and  RD  into  the  family.    He  was  also  the  very  proud
          Uncle to Justin, Terri, Brendan, Russell, Kelly, Lisa and Matthew and adopted
          Uncle to Rachel.                                                                 What is happening so far …
                                                                                           There is going to be a SID (Speed Indicator Device) installed along the road and
          Rich was never really into the children as babies as he said all they did was
          eat  and  poo  but  once  they  started  to  show  their  character  he  was  more   hopefully this will happen as a matter of urgency, as it was already discussed and
          than happy to play and and learn with them.                                      arranged  at  the  Parish  Council  meeting  before  lockdown  but  not  followed  up
                                                                                           due to Covid.
          In  turn  the  children  took  partners,  Avril,  Jon,  Hannah,  Dave,  Kate,  Connor
          and  Stef.    Equally  Rich  welcomed  them  into  the  family  and  shared  good   Peter Wharf reported that there is a growing interest by some Dorset villages to try
          times with them.  He loved the great nephews and nieces as well, George,         to reduce the speed through built up areas that are experiencing dangerous fast
          Evie, Ruby, Joel, Lucas,  Alfie, Charlie, Pheebi, Louie,  Amelia, Oscar and he   roads to 20 mile per hour and a survey will be carried out.
          was looking forward to a new arrival at the end of October.                      Peter also reported that they will again survey the number of children needing to
          In 2010 Rich suffered a heart attack and ended up with 5 stents but Glo said     cross this road to attend the school or playgroup.
          he made a good recovery but his outlook on life changed and they both            We  would  like  to  thank  Peter  Wharf  for  his  support  and  also  our  MP  Michael
          took every opportunity to go on holiday or just have days out.                   Tomlinson who has pledged support when we get to the next level; we are yet to
          Glo recalls many happy holidays spent with the growing family.  The crazy        get the approval of our Parish Council for the petition of 20 miles an hour, at the
          golf at Camber Sands trying to ring the bell on the last whole.  Crazy golf in   last meeting they were unable to back it.
          North  Wales  in  the  pouring  rain.  Brean  Sands  in  a  whole  row  of  chalets
          playing football, cricket and wonderful water fights.
                                                                                           What can you do to help …
          Another  memorable  holiday  saw  Rich,  Glo,  Olive                             If you feel strongly about the situation and want to voice those concerns, the next
          and  Doug  arriving  on  the  back  of  a  break  down                           Parish Council meeting will be held on 12  November.  Email Amanda Crocker,
                                                                                           the Parish Clerk  - and she will give you the link to join
          Christmas  was  also  a  special  time,  spending  time                          the meeting.
          with the families and all  squeezing into one house to                           The  Parish  Council  have  to  give  recommendations  to  County  Highways
          spend the night.  Rich was 'bah humbug' about the                                department before they will move forward.
          festive season but he always wanted to be involved
          with the buying and wrapping of presents.  He also                                                                    Alison Bennett  Telephone  01929 472023

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