Page 13 - br-nov-2020
P. 13

November 2020                       November 2020

 more  exercise  which  means  I      OBITUARIES

 get additional walks.    I like this I
 can  roll  in  the  grass  when  its
 warm and there is no dew.  We   Richard George Curtis
 go  to  different  places  from  the
 normal morning routine.  On the   Rich was born on 4 October 1951 at Somerleigh Court.  He was the first child
 negative  side  there  are  no  left   and  only  son  to  Olive  and  Doug.    They  lived  with  Grannie  Stainer  in
 over  snacks  and I  am  not  fond   Puddletown  and  made  good  friends,  Bill  and  Freda  Gifford  and  their  son
 of  cauliflower  rice  or  courgetti   Steve who went on to be a life long friend.
 spaghetti.    There  is  virtually  no   The family moved around with Doug's job and they went to West Knighton
 natural  yoghurt  left  in  the  pots   where Valerie was born, then to Bladen Valley where Diana was born and to
 when I am given one to clean out.  She has no hope she’s eaten it all.  Well we   Bere Regis.
 shall see, who knows with fewer Christmas parties if she does lose some weight
 there may be a chance she won’t put it all on again over Christmas.   Happy memories at Bladen Valley as the houses had large grass areas at the
         front  and  they  had  hours  of  fun  playing  football  and  cricket.    There  were
 At the time of writing there are still two weeks to the hour going back and two   happy  memories  in  Bere,  playing  badminton  on  the  lawn  or  in  the  field
 weeks  to  Halloween  and  then  bonfire  night.    The  noise  of  fireworks  does  not   playing tip n run.
 bother me but there will be a lot of dogs who will be very happy if there are no
 firework parties this year.  Perhaps we will make a lantern out of the pumpkin for   Happy  times  on  holidays  in  Devon,  but  only  after  Dad  had  finished
 Halloween.  I hope there are no frightening knocks on our door, or children and   harvesting.
 things  going  bump  and  wailing  and  gnashing  in  North  Street  that  night.    No
 Halloween parties in the pub but I suppose we can watch it all on Strictly which   Rich went to school at Affpuddle and then on to the brand new secondary
 starts this weekend so some things still keep going.   at Puddletown.  He was good at maths, technical drawing and geography
         but struggled with english.  Glo said that this was true in his adult life as he
 She  has  donated  the  hoarded  tins  of  potatoes  and  carrots  to  the  food  bank   knew where all the holiday destinations were, where Glo had to start with 'is
 rather  than  keep  them  in  the  cupboard  going  out  of  date.    While  there  is  still   it a hot or cold place?' , however she always had to take care of the form
 some reasonable weather we have   filling.
 been  going  out  on  expeditions  to
 Bridport,  Cerne  Abbas,    Tyneham   During one maths lesson Rich was distracted and 'Clarky' the teacher said
 and  Worbarrow,  Badbury  Rings,   that if he didn't pay attention he could leave, so Rich did just that.  Slowly
 Hans  Tout  and  Okeford  Hill.    There   most of his mates also left the classroom and they ended up playing cards in
 are  plans  to  see  Autumn  colour   the cloakroom.
 next  month.    This  is  good,  passes   Rich excelled at cricket at school and played for the Dorset Youth team.  His
 the time and is enjoyable.    We are   head  masters  comments  were,  that  if  Richard  put  as  much  effort  into  his
 lucky, we live here in the country in   school work as he did being opening batsman then he could do well.  Rich
 a  county  of  stunning  beauty  and   also played footbal and when Glo met him he was the proud owner of a
 can  socially  distance  easily.    We   bright yellow pair of football boots.
 must hope for a  mild winter so we
 can  keep  going.    At  least  the  rule   Rich did pass his initial entrance exam to go into the
 of six allows a reasonable social life at the moment but one has to decide if one   navy  but  the  attraction  of  earning  money  got  the
 should enjoy it while it lasts or stay in for safety.   better  of  him  and  he  left  school  without  doing  his
 Jenny Stone
         He  took  up  a  job  at  South  Western  Farmers,
         Broadmayne but he was stuck indoors and it didn't
         really suit him.  He then went to Rossmore Saw Mills

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