Page 11 - br-nov-2020
P. 11

November 2020                       November 2020

 Culpeppers Dish Fingerpost   asked  his  commanding  officer  for  the
       German shell.  He wanted to keep it as a
 The Parish Council has accepted a quote for the repair of the fingerpost sign at   souvenir.    He  was  told  that  not  one  but
 Culpeppers  Dish  and  the  work  should  be  completed  by  the  end  of  2020.    This   eleven  shells  had  been  found  in  the  fuel
 work will be paid for via the Parish Council’s insurance policy.   tank, none had exploded!

       When the technicians opened the missiles
 S133/137 Grants   they  found  that  the  shells  didn’t  contain
       explosive  charges.    They  were  clean  and
 The Parish Council considered grants requests received. One from Affpuddle PCC   harmless, and all except one were empty.
 could not be approved because legislation restricts how local councils are able   This exception contained a carefully rolled
 to support the Church. The Parish Council can award funding which will support   piece  of  paper.    On  it  a  message  had
 the maintenance or improvement of churchyards and so the deadline for grant   been scrawled in the Czech language.  Translated the note read “This is all we
 applications was extended to the end of November to allow the PCC to submit a   can do for you now – using Jewish slave labour is never a good idea”!
 new application.
       A courageous assembly line worker was disarming bombs and scribbling the note.
 The Parish Council also considered a grant request from Briantspuddle Village Hall   He couldn’t end the war, but he could do something.   And he did.  Only God
 Committee  for  financial  support  to  purchase  a  new  dishwasher  at  a  cost  of   knows just how many lives he saved.
 £2,000.  A  grant  of  £200  from  a  total  budget  of  £400  for  S133/137  grants  was
 approved.  The Parish Council usually hires the Village Hall for meetings but as it    God  can  do  big  things  with  small  actions,  just  as  He  did  when  a  small  stone
 cannot  currently  hold  physical  meetings,  this  has  not  been  happening.   toppled the giant Goliath.
 Councillors  agreed  to  repurpose  £300  from  the  hall  hire  budget  in  order  to
 increase the total contribution towards the dishwasher to £500.   The small acts of kindness that we are able to do can produce results that are
       more than we can imagine.  God says, “Don’t despise small beginnings, for the
       Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” (Zechariah 4:10 Living Bible)    And God also

 Next Meeting   says, “Don’t be weary in doing good!”   (Galatians 6:9)

 The  next  meeting  of  the  Parish  Council  will  take  place  at  7pm  on  Wednesday   As a Church we are here to help you, and we pray for you.  Do contact us if you
 11th  November.  Please  check  the  Parish  Council  section  of  the  Community   need help.
 Website nearer the time for the agenda and information about how to join the   Above  all  may  you  find  strength,  comfort  and  peace  from  God  Himself,  who  is
 meeting which will be held remotely. Members of the public wishing to raise issues   with you at all times.
 or make representation in respect of any agenda item will have an opportunity to
 do so at the meeting. Alternatively, anyone who wishes to may contact the Parish   “The  Lord  is  my  strength  and  my  protection;    my  Heart  trusts  in  Him  and  I  am
 Clerk in advance of the meeting. Ideally correspondence should be received at   helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him. Psalm 28:7
 least a week in advance as it will not be possible to add items to the agenda

 once it has been set.
       Just a Smile
 Sue Jones, Chairman
       Writing about God, an 8 year old boy said, “You should not waste God’s time by
       asking for something that your parents have already said that you cannot have.

       God and Jesus have arranged things so that there is always one of them on duty
 When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw   to hear your prayers.”
 their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the   Other Church’s Newsletter quotes. “ Don’t let worry kill you – let the church help.
 effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more   Come Thursday night to our annual pot luck supper.  Prayer and medication to
 advertising revenue!!
                                                                   Joyce Healey

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