Page 12 - br-nov-2020
P. 12

November 2020                                                                       November 2020

                                                                                            BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE


                                                                                           AFFPUDDLE AND TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH

                                                                                            Parish Council
                                                                                            The  Parish  Council  meeting  on  14th  October  was  once  again  held  remotely  in
                                                                                            order  to  comply  with  Government  social  distancing  guidance.  Until  restrictions
                                                                                            around  movement  and  public  gatherings  are  lifted,  the  Parish  Council  will  be
                                                                                            holding all meetings remotely.

                                                                                            Camping at Throop

                                                                                            The  Parish  Council  discussed
                                                                                            concerns  raised  by  residents
                                                                                            about  the  effect  on  the
                                                                                            parish  of  the  campsite  at
                                                                                            Throop  Hollow  Farm  over  the
                                                                                            summer.  The  main  concerns
                                                                                            expressed focused on the size
                                                                                            of the campsite and the large
                                                                                            n u m b e r    o f    v e h i c l e
                                                                                            movements associated with so many visitors.  Concern was also expressed about
                                                                                            noise.  Councillors also considered a letter received from the owner of the site.  All
                                                                                            correspondence  received  will  be  replied  to.    Councillors  did  have  several
                                                                                            questions  about  the  rules  associated  with  a  campsite  and  will  be  contacting
                                                                                            Dorset Council requesting information.

                                                                                            Traffic management

                                                                                            There are a number of locations within the Parish which cause  safety concerns.
                                                                                            These have been discussed many times with the Highways Department at Dorset
                                                                                            Council  without  a  satisfactory  outcome.    The  Parish  Council  has  decided  to
                                                                                            discuss its preferred solutions to the identified issues at its next meeting.  This is with
                                                                                            a  view  to  creating  Parish  Council  priorities  and  lobbying  the  Highways

                                                                                           Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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