Page 54 - br-november-2019
P. 54

November 2019                                                                       November 2019
                                                                                            critical services to identify costs which may be incurred during any disruption in
       DORSET TRADING STANDARDS                                                             line with the level of assumed risk.

                                                                                            Currently  preparations  are  in  full  swing  to  ensure  business  continuity  plans  for
       Dorset Council Trading Standards Service check and approve
                                                                                            every  service  area  are  robust  and  ready  to  be  put  in  to  action.  For  a  new
       businesses so you don’t have to.
                                                                                            organisation, this is a good exercise to carry out, with or without Brexit, so we are
       For more information visit or                           ready  for  any  emergency  situation,  particularly  heading  into  winter.  We  have
       call 08454 040506.                                                                   recently held a corporate a business Continuity Exercise to help test these plans.
       To report or seek advice about problems you have
                                                                                            In addition to ensuring that we are prepared for a potential no deal Brexit we are
       experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.
                                                                                            supporting  a  number  of  workstreams  as  part  of  the  Government’s  no-deal
                                                                                            readiness programme.

       A cautionary Tale
       My father who is in his late 70s and lives alone received a knock at his door one
       afternoon.  Outside parked up was a white van and two males in their late 20’s       We  have  part  funded  (with  BCP  Council)  a  dedicated  Brexit  preparedness
       who offered to clean out his gutters for £40.  As it would happen Dads gutters had   business adviser within the Dorset Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCi) to
       been overflowing and he saw this as an opportunity to get them cleaned.  Having      support  Dorset’s  businesses.  The  DDCi  has  published  a  range  of  advice  and
       agreed to it the men then went into the rear garden to start.  With that there is a   guidance  to  businesses  through  its  networks  which  we  will  look  to  promote
       second  knock  at  the  door  and  Dad  finds  two  police  officers  in  uniform  outside   through our own channels.
       who told him they had seen the men pull over and knock on Dads door and what
       did they want. Dad told them and the officers then asked if they could go and
       talk  to  them  which  they  duly  did.    The  police  officers  then  stepped  away  and   Ports
       spoke into their radios.  They returned to the house and told Dad they had made      Poole  Port  and  Brittany  Ferries  have  been  awarded  one  of  the  no-deal  ferry
       some enquiries and were satisfied with the situation but that he ought to be more    contracts to ensure deliveries of vital products continue - it is expected that some
       cautious in the future regarding traders who knocked on his door offering to do      freight space will be used for vital medical supplies, though this has not yet been
       work.  No paperwork was given to Dad.  Had the amount charged been over £42          confirmed by DfT.
       then the men would have been legally required to give paperwork including an
       address and telephone number, a description of the goods and his cancellation        Poole Port sailings will increase to two sailings one day, one sailing the next day.
       rights.                                                                              This  is  similar  to  the  summer  schedule  and  is  in  line  with  the  Local  Resilience
                                                                                            Forum’s planning assumptions around mitigating travel disruption.
       If you pay or agree to pay over £42 for any services or goods that are sold to you
       in your home, then you have 14 days to cancel the agreement. If you cancel, any
       monies that you have paid should be returned to you.                                 Adults and Children’s Services
       The  trader  must  give  you  a  written  notice  of  your  cancellation  rights  when  you   Colleagues  in  adult  services  are  in  regular  contact  with  our  adult  social  care
       agree the contract. If the trader doesn't provide you with
                                                                                            providers.  Events  are  being  held  to  support  our  providers  with  their  business
       this information, they commit a criminal offence.
                                                                                            continuity planning. This is a critical area of our business and is imperative that
                                                                                            providers are supported by us as much as possible. We are continuing to support
       You can show you do not want to receive visits from cold
       calling  doorstep  traders  by  displaying  a  ‘We  do  not  deal                    headteachers  on  Brexit  preparedness  and  do  not  anticipate  any  disruption  to
       with uninvited doorstep traders’ door sticker available from                         schools at this point.
       libraries  across  Dorset  or  by  calling  the  Citizens  Advice
       consumer helpline on 03454 040506. This is also the number                           Regulatory
       to  call  if  you  would  like  consumer  advice,  or  to  report
       something to Trading Standards.                                                      Colleagues from Trading Standards are working closely with Defra and through
                                                                                            the  professional  and  sector  bodies.    Funding  has  been  secured  to  recruit

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