Page 53 - br-november-2019
P. 53

November 2019                       November 2019

 additional Environmental Health Officers to issue fish health export certificates to   BERE REGIS HISTORY SOCIETY
 the two main exporters in Dorset.

        We  held  our  September  meeting  on  the
 Fuel risk      25th at the Village Hall, North Street, and
        began with our usual "News Section". This
 While  fuel  shortages  are   covered  several  projects  that  members
 not predicted or expected   are   undertaking   and   included
 in  Dorset,  a  fuel  cell  has   documenting  the  history  of  pubs  in  the
 been  established  to  focus   village  for  the  last  400  years,  a  study  of
 on  critical  services  with   how  our  village  was  about  12,000  years
 high  vehicle  dependency/  ago  based  on  finds  and  detective  work
 fuel consumption.    and then we learned of the continued study of the history of Woodbury Hill Fair.

        Des gave a short talk about the finds from "Trench-7" near Butt Lane, which was
 EU Settlement   recently  completed,  and  hinted  at  the  promise  of  further  finds  from  "Trench-8"
 scheme   recently  begun.  All  this  work  is  confirming  our  understanding  regarding  Bere
        Regis's original burial place.
 Dorset  Council  colleagues
 are  being  kept  abreast  of  national  guidance  and  the  latest  information  from   Next  we  discussed  the  contents  of  a
 Government  through  our  existing  communications  channels.    Colleagues  are      WW2  photo  album  donated  to  the
 being signposted to the EU Settlement scheme.  We are giving similar advice to   Society  which  contains  photographs
 our suppliers and providers.  Government has issued some guidance concerning   from the Western Desert campaign of
 people within our case who may wish to register through the scheme and further   1943.  There  are  also  photos  taken  in
 guidance is awaited.                        Palestine,  probably  during  an  R&R
                                             phase before the next action on Sicily

                                             and Italy began.
 Bere Regis to Dorchester Slip Road
                                             Our  secretary  then  paraphrased  a
 The west bound slip road to Dorchester, which is Highways England responsibility,   newspaper  article  detailing  the
 has finally been resurface after over two years of lobbying. We all hope it lasts!   observations  of  the  Woodbury  Hill  Fair
                                             of  21  September  1887  made  by  a

                                             reporter  on  the  Bournemouth
 Surgery    Guardian. It is the best, and so far only, account of the flavour of the fair itself,
        and  is  of  great  value,  as  it  describes  the  stalls,  games  and  music  and  noise
 We  frequently  and  happily  hold  meetings  with  our  constituents  at  a  time  and   experienced by any one visiting the Fair.
 place  that  is  mutually  convenient  to  one  or  other  of  us  during  the  month.  For
 November we will respond to any email or telephone request to meet which we   We then had a film show, testing the Society's new projector which can do videos
 will hold either at a local village hall or at your home. Please ring or email us with   at  the  click  of  its  remote.  This  was  a  30  year  old  showing  of  a  John  Craven
 the  subject  matter  so  that  we  can  prepare  ourselves.  Peter’s  email  address  is   Newsround Extra programme in which the Secretary appeared.
 p e t e r w h a r f @ h o t m a i l . c o m    0 7 9 8 6 6 0 0 7 9 9    a n d    L a u r a ’ s    i s  07814 569563.   After this we stopped so that members could look at the exhibits and photos on
        show, which included a 20-foot long joiner-photo of West Street from March 1989.
 Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck
        If  you  want  something  a  bit  different  on  your  fourth  Wednesday  of  the  month,
        then do come along and be part of our Society.
                                                     John Pitfield, Project Secretary

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