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November 2019                       November 2019

 able  to  open  the  Wimborne  Green  Festival.    But  I  am  delighted  that  so  many   BERE REGIS
 community groups are coming together to raise awareness. I’m also pleased that
 many  local  churches  have  been  given  eco-church  awards,  showing  that  all   SURGERY NEWS
 sectors of society are working together for the good of our planet.
 I continue to hold regular surgeries in the constituency so please do get in touch if     Flu  clinics  are  now  available
 there   is   something   you   need   help   with.   Email   me   on   to book into at the Practice. or contact my office on 01202 624216. You   Please  ask  at  Reception  or
 can   also   follow   what   I’ve   been   doing   on   Twitter   ask  the  clinician  if  you  have
 @Michael4mdnp   or   Facebook  an  appointment  with  them.
 michael4MDNP or on my website
        Remember by having your flu
        vaccination  at  the  Practice
        helps to keep the Practice in the village.
                                 We are raffling a cookie jar again this year to raise
                                 funds for the Carers Christmas Party.  It’s £1 to put

                                 your name on the list and the lucky winner will win
 LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT      the  cookie  jar  and  half  of  the  funds  raised  –  all  in
                                 time for Christmas.
 Michael Tomlinson MP           Dr  Keltie  Ford  has  recently  joined  the  Practice,
 holds regular surgeries         replacing Dr Pennell.  She will be working Monday
 in the constituency.  For     01202 624216   and  Friday  mornings  and  all-day  Tuesday.    Dr  Erh-
 details of forthcoming   Hsuin Lim who some of you may have already met
 surgeries or to make an         will  be  working  on  a  Wednesday  to  enable  Dr
                                 Jackson  to  take  the  Clinical  Director  role  for  the
 appointment, please   @Michael4MDNP   Purbeck Primary Care Network.  We have also said
 contact his office.             a  sad  goodbye  to  Dr  Annie  Garton  Kane  who
                                 came  to  the  end  of  her  4  months  with  us.    She  is
        replaced by Dr Sarj Qureshi who is a ST3 Doctor just finishing his General Practice

        The  Bere  Regis  Patient  Participation  Group  would  like  you  to  join  their  group.

        They group bimonthly for an hour and a half and aim to be a conduit between
        patients  and  the  Practice  staff,  providing  feedback,  help  and  support.    If  you
        would like to get involved, please ask at Reception.
        Globally one man takes his own life every minute of every day.  November has in
        recent years started to be known as Movember, with men growing moustaches
        to raise money for men’s health awareness.  That initiative is still ongoing but now
        you can also commit to walking or running 60km over the month. That’s 60km for
        the 60 men we lose each hour, every hour  – the men who should still be here
        today.   You don’t have to be an ultra-athlete, just put one foot in front of the
        other and you’ve already made a start.  For more information -

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