Page 59 - br-november-2019
P. 59

November 2019                       November 2019

 leaving  the  Scout  Hut  at  about  1030,  followed      please contact Di Pitts on 01929 471322 or Moira Mathers on 07900 906278. You
 by the Remembrance Service at the Memorial   can  see  more  about  our  past  meetings  and  activities  on  our  Facebook  page
 then  in  Church.  All  are  welcome  to  join  the   @BereRegisWI.
 parade and service.
 We have also recently approved the purchase
 of  large  Poppies  to  go  onto  the  lampposts   THE BERE REGIS FOLK GROUP
 around the village and are hoping to be able to
 inscribe them with the names of those who died
 in both World Wars.   Tuesday 12th November 2019
        Starting at 8pm in the Stable Bar at the Drax Arms, West

        Street, Bere Regis.
 Phone Box
        A  very  special  evening  not  to  be  missed  something
 It  was  agreed  at  the  meeting  that  we  would   different  for  you  to  experience,  two  young  ladies  from
 make an application to BT to purchase the phone box on Rye Hill as they are in   Canada  and  the  USA  are  coming  to  play  their  own
 the process of selling many of the underused kiosks. Various uses were discussed,   special arrangements of music based on blue grass and
 with a favourable one being to house a defibrillator, although other uses such as   old time music.  Allison de Groot and Tatiana Hargreaves
 book exchanges were suggested. If you have any suggested uses for the phone   are two gifted musicians and are already leading lights in
 box   once   it’s   been   purchased,   please   contact   the   clerk   on   the  new  generation  of  American  roots  music.  Whilst with any ideas.
        paying homage to the best Appalacian traditions, the duo reflects on and pays
        tribute  to  the  diversity  of  American  roots  music.    Together  Allison  and  Tatiana
        create  a  scintillating,  foot  tapping  sound,  with  powerful  songs  and  beguiling
 Our  NeighbourCar  scheme,  run  by  Councillor  Brenda  House  provides  a  vital
 service for those in the community who cannot drive and need to get to doctors   Tickets £10 in advance (£12 on door)
 and  hospital  appointments,  shopping  trips  or  even  visiting  family  and  friends.   Tickets can be purchased on line at or send an email to
 However  without  more  drivers  the  scheme  will  struggle  to  continue.  If  you  can
 spare any time during the day, have your own car and would like to help keep this

 vital service going, please contact Brenda on 01929 471255.
        Tuesday 17th December 2019 at 8pm

 Wildlife Group   in the Stable Bar at the Drax Arms, West Street, Bere Regis

 The group met to look at actions required on the nature reserve. Recent advice   Our  Christmas  themed  evening  with  McFlute,  Robin  Greenwood,  Doc  Clark's
 had been given by Dorset Wildlife Trust rivers and wetlands officer. This included   Remedy plus another artist to be confirmed.
 much praise for the condition of the stream. The ‘berms’ that were added to the   The  Folk  Night  is  a  non  profit  making  organisation  and  there  is  only  one  or  two
 stream 4 years ago have now developed into areas of aquatic vegetation which   nights in the year when we pay for entry, this covers the cost of the artist.   We
 are important as they create the right breeding ground for trout and other fish. This   have a raffle most nights and this covers sundry expenses and goes towards artists
 also  provides  cover  for  the  endangered  water  vole  which  have  been  seen   costs  on  occasion.    Most  of  our  artists  are  local  and  play  for  free  all  are
 recently. Several large hazels along the stream were identified that will need to be   prebooked.  The Stable Bar at the Drax Arms is a quiet and peaceful venue and is
 coppiced to reduce shading. On Souls Moor some of the more vigorous growth   apart  from  the  main  bars.  The  Folk  Night  is  open  to  everyone  and  all  are
 that  had  not  been  dealt  with  by  the  ponies  needs  cutting  back.  We  were   welcome.
 delighted to have help from the scouts with this. The ponies will now go back to
 their home for the winter months.   Pip Evans runs the Folk Night he can be contacted on 01929 471088 if you have
        any queries.

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