Page 15 - br-nov-2018
P. 15

November 2018                       November 2018

 FREE RANGE      13:8.  Jesus is as firm as a rock, so dependable and reliable.
 Parish Magazine
 BRONZE TURKEYS   The Holy Spirit says, “Today, if you hear His voice” – obey Him.  Live for Jesus today,
       and encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘today’. Hebrews 3:7, 13.
 January 2019   It’s not how you lived, or what you said yesterday, or how you may live, and what

       you may say and do for the Lord tomorrow that is important, but how you live and
       what you say and do for the Lord today that counts.
 Could all contributors   Jesus  said  to  those  who  wanted  to  follow  Him,  but  on  their  own  terms  and
       conditions, “No-one, after putting his hand to the plough and looking back, is fit
 and advertisers please   for the kingdom of God.”  Luke 9:62
 note that copy will be   Don’t put the clock back or leave until tomorrow what the Lord wants you to do
 Glebe Farm, Owermoigne, Dorchester
 required by   for Him today. For today is the day of salvation, tomorrow may be too late!
 Tel.01305 852639   Ask yourself if your attitude is like that of the Apostle Paul, who said, “One thing I
       do, forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press   on (today) toward the goal of the prize of the upward, heavenward call of God in
 Friday 7th   Christ Jesus”.  Philippians 3:13-14
                                                                 Rev. Ray Healey
 TASTE THE   December
 DIFFERENCE   Just a Smile
       A Methodist minister was stopped in the High Street one Saturday morning by a
       Salvation Army lassie, who asked, “Are you saved?”  He replied with a smile, “My
       dear,  I’m  the  Methodist  minister”.    “Don’t  let  that  make  any  difference”,  she
 CASTLE PLAYERS   replied!
       A  parish  news  letter  at  Long  Ditton,  Surrey,  announced:  Prayers  for  peace  this
 Castle  Players  are  delighted  that  for  our  autumn
 production  we  are  bringing  to  life  Noel  Coward’s   month  have  been  cancelled  because  of  the  new  Vicar  coming  to  St.
 classic comedy ‘Blithe Spirit’ directed by Jo Puttick.   Christopher’s.
 At Lytchett Matravers Village Hall. BH16 6DD.
 Acclaimed    writer  Charles  Condomine  is  working
 on his latest novel.  As part of his research he and   BERE HEATH METHODIST
 his wife Ruth host a séance with eccentric medium
 Madame  Arcati  and  invite  their  friends  to  play   CHAPEL
 along.  But  the  evening  takes  a  supernatural  turn
 when Arcati conjures Charles’ deceased first wife,   Thank  you  to  everyone  who  helped  with  our  Harvest
 Elvira,  who  doesn’t  have  plans  to  leave.   weekend,  we  raised  £370  at  our  auction.  A  marvellous
 Lighthearted  and  endearing,  this  otherworldly   total !
 classic is sure to tickle your goosebumps!
       The next Service is on Sunday 4  November, and will be
 Show dates are 15, 16 and 17 November; evening   led by Mr Chris Warren.
 performances  at    7.30pm  and  we  will  also  be    For more information contact the stewards: Karen Smith
 doing  a  matinee  performance  at  2.30pm  on  the  Saturday.  Doors  and  the  bar   (01929 471339), Caroline Harrison (01929 471378).
 open at 2.00 for  the matinee and 7.00 for the evening. Tickets are available on

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