Page 11 - br-nov-2018
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November 2018                       November 2018

 Altogether this year over nine and a half thousand pounds has been spent on hall   AFFPUDDLE CHURCH NEWS
 projects.  Out of this sum to date, we have invested over four thousand pounds of
 hall funds in various aspects of improvement and maintenance and every penny
 of that money has been hard earned by trustees in one way or another.    AFFPUDDLE CHURCH ROTAS
 With  our  community  supporting  us  we  do  this  to  keep  the  hall  in  good  repair,   Sidesmen, Lesson Readers, Readings, Intercessors and
 warm, safe and welcoming for the benefit of everyone in our parish.

 Finally   Date       Time     Sidesmen     Lesson Readers  Readings
       4  November    11.30am  A Grindrod   R Gainsford    Rev 21: 1-6a
 We  are  trying  hard  to  finalise  a  date  for  the  Open  Gardens  in  2019,  taking  all
 considerations into account is proving mighty difficult, we have a provisional date   All Saints’      S Wood   S Wood   John 11: 32-44
 of  June  2 nd  barring  disasters.  However,  I  will  ask  now  that  if  any  gardeners  out   Sunday
 there are planning to split clumps of perennials and have surplus plants left over
 that you contact a member of the Hall committee to collect them for potting up.   11  November  9am   Act of Remembrance at the Peace Shrine in
       Remembrance             the Church Peace Garden.
                      9.15am  D Coates      P Haigh        Micah 4: 2-5
 THE GATHERING                 Allan Smith   Andrea Smith   John 15: 9-17
                      11am     Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial
 BRIANTSPUDDLE VILLAGE HALL         in Bladen Valley.

 SUNDAY 11  NOVEMBER at 3.00pm   18  November  8am   R Killer   R Killer   Heb 10: 11-14, 19-25
       2  before               Celebrant    Celebrant      Mark 13: 1-8
 This powerful new play based on letters and other artefacts, tells the story of two   Advent

 Dorset soldiers who fought in the First World War – Will Cutler of Hinton Martel and   25  November  9.15am  S Sanderson   D Buck   Rev 1: 4b-8
 Hubert  Wareham of  Wimborne Minster, and two people involved in their lives   -
 Wills  wife  Tillie  and  the  vicar  of  Wimborne  Minster,  Reverend  James  Fletcher.   Next before         M Cropper   John 18: 33-37
 Expect an intensely moving love story and a message of resilience and hope.   Advent

 The  performance  will  be  preceded  by  a  screening  of  TOMMY’S  SISTERS,  a  film   2  December   11.30am  A Armitage   A Armitage   1 Thess 3: 9-end
 about five women in 1916.   First Sunday      A Grindrod   E Moriarty   Luke 21: 25-36
 Tickets will include a WW1 afternoon tea.
 Tickets available from Jenny Beedle on 01929471002      Intercessions   Chalice
       4  November      Celebrant        E Moriarty
 Adults £12.00 U18s £9.00(suitable for 12+)
       11  November     A Smith          J Haigh
       18  November     Celebrant        R Killer
       25  November     A Grindrod       S Sanderson
       2  December      Celebrant        F Masheder
 Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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