Page 10 - br-nov-2018
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November 2018                                                                       November 2018
                                                                                           AFFPUDDLE & TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH


                                                                                           Briantspuddle - Best Small Village
                                                                                           Sarah  Lowman  and  Sue  Jones  attended  the
                                                                                           annual  award  ceremony  organised  by  Dorset
                                                                                           Community  Action  held  on  25   September  in
                                                                                           Cerne Abbas Village Hall, on behalf of the Parish
                                                                                           Council.  Councillors had entered Briantspuddle
                                                                                           in  the  Best  Small  Village  category  of  the
                                                                                           competition earlier in the year and are delighted
                                                                                           to  have  won  this  prestigious  award.  The  awards  now  span  some  30  years  and
                                                                                           amount to a celebration of rural communities across the whole of Dorset.

                                                                                           The Parish Council would like to thank residents who took part in the annual litter
                                                                                           pick and to all those who have helped along the way.  The award comprises a
                                                                                           plaque,  which  will  be  placed  alongside  the  previous  winning  award  of  2009  in
                                                                                           front of the shop, a framed winners certificate which will be placed inside the bus
                                                                                           shelter  and  a  cash  prize  of  £200  from  Magna  Housing.    At  its  October  meeting
                                                                                           Councillors voted to spend the £200 on litter picking equipment.  Previously items
                                                                                           have been borrowed from Purbeck District Council but over the years the quantity
                                                                                           and  quality  of  the  equipment  has  reduced  to  such  an  extent  that  there  were
                                                                                           more litter pickers than equipment available this year.

                                                                                           Parish Defibrillators

                                                                                           The  parish  now  benefits  from  two  defibrillators,  one  attached  to  Briantspuddle
                                                                                           Village Hall and a new one in Affpuddle housed in the refurbished telephone kiosk
                                                                                           opposite  the  church.    To  coincide  with  the  new  installation  a  cardiac  arrest
                                                                                           response seminar has been organised.  This is a free training session and will be
                                                                                           held from 10am on Saturday 24  November at Briantspuddle Village Hall.  All are
                                                                                           Councillors  are  very  grateful  to  David  Griffith  who  has  brought  both  of  these
                                                                                           projects to fruition on behalf of the Council.  His work has included securing grant
                                                                                           funding from Dorset County Council and the National Lottery.  The Parish Council
                                                                                           would also like to express its thanks to these sponsors.

                                                                                           Southover Farm Slurry Lagoon Planning Application WD/

                                                                                           Councillors have been in discussion with planning officers and it understands that

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