Page 12 - br-nov-2018
P. 12

November 2018                                                                       November 2018
       Flowers and Cleaning Rota
                                                                                            This event will take place between 3.30 pm and 6.00pm  with tea being served at

                                                                                            4.30.  We  will  need  some  idea  of  numbers  for  catering,  so  if  you  would  like  to
       Date:            Flowers:            Cleaning:
                                                                                            come please phone Jenny on 01929471498 or add your name to a list which will
       3 November       Christine Ralls     Christine Ralls                                 be in Briantspuddle Shop (open each morning ) or come along on the day and
                                                                                            take pot luck!!  This is not a fundraising event, so any donations of cakes, food or
       10 November      Elizabeth Whatley   Nicky Killer
                                                                                            cash would be gratefully accepted.
       17 November      Doreen Sanderson    Doreen Sanderson
       24 November      Fiona Hogger        Audrey Grindrod                                 Christmas Fair 25  November
       1 December       Advent              Amanda Parker                                   As you can see 25  November is this year’s date for this popular annual event.
                                                                                            We are taking bookings for stalls at the moment so phone Jenny: 01929 471498, or
                                                                                            the Booking Secretary on 07784609838 to book a table.
                                                                                            As usual there will be a variety of stalls for all to enjoy. Doors will open for visitors at
                                                                                            11.00am, when mulled wine and mince pies will be available, as well as cake, tea
             St  Laurence’s  Church, Affpuddle                                              and coffee with turkey rolls at lunch time. Bring your children and grandchildren
                                                                                            as Santa will arrive at 2.00pm.

                            GIFT  DAY                                                       Xmas Lights 21  December
                                                                                            Sadly Phil Scrace has left Briantspuddle (gone but not forgotten) happily he has
                                                                                            left the organization of the Xmas Lights extravaganza in the capable hands of last
                                                                                            years’ winners.

          Please give generously to ensure that                                             The winning number for September was No. 16

          our church is here for generations to
                                                                                            Hall Improvements
                                                                                            Some of you may have noticed a few improvements to the Hall this year (usually
                                                                                            mentioned in this article) such as the new double sink or the paintings by local
                                                                                            artists in the Jubilee room  (some for sale by the way) or even the new curtains
            The Vicar will be outside Briantspuddle Village Hall                            provided to  mitigate the sound reverberation in the same room, or indeed the
                                                                                            lovely new ridge on the thatched roof.
                                  9AM – 12noon
                                                                                            However, there are things happening that are not so obvious like renewed smoke
                 and would very much like to see you there!                                 sensors,  fire  alarm  improvements  and  wiring  updating  and  checking.  Also  as
                                                                                            mentioned above extensive flooring  work.

                                                                                            These things are sometimes funded with grant aid from sources such as Viridor or
                                                                                            our Parish Council, as well as donations from the Community Group and others
              St Laurence’s needs YOUR  help!                                               from  time  to  time.  However  ongoing  improvement  and  new  equipment  is  also
                                                                                            paid  for  to  a  large  extent  by  the  fundraising  activities  that  the  Hall  Trustees

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