Page 21 - may2024
P. 21

May 2024                              May 2024
 people in the Parish in a difficult situation.    ponies. They are now extinct, but we use the Exmoor Ponies and Hereford cattle
       as  proxy  for  these  species.  Ponies  typically  nibble,  while  cows  use  their  large
 If you need this service please email in confidence and
 we will help. Thank you to Gareth Lynam who is running this project for us.    tongues to wrap around longer tussocks.
       Our livestock can choose where they go in our extensive grazing regime, and do

       not get treated with chemicals. This has fantastic benefits to the site. Where the
 Pop In Place Work shop    animals  have  spent  most  of  their  time,  on  the  south  side  of  the  site  known  as
       “Peewit”  the  impacts  of  their  presence  is  wonderful.  They  have  broken  up  the
 We  are  a  small  group  meeting  on  Friday  mornings  and  do  some  wood  work,   vegetation, allowing for new species to grow through. The divots created by their
 making bird boxes, bug hotels and planters etc we also do a lot of talking and   hooves create microclimates for species to thrive.
 drinking coffee. We have completed and refurbished the table tennis table and
 that is available for people to play a game.      But  one  of  the  most  amazing
                                                   things  about  these  animals  is
 If you are interested in coming along and doing any of the above or your own   the  faeces  they  produce.  As  a
 small project, call in and see us you will be very welcome.   result of the chemical-free poo,
                                                   we  have  seen  a  number  of
 Have you checked out our Pop In Place website
                                                   dung beetles in action, and it’s
 For more information call Alison Bennett 01929 472023    easy to spot their burrows. They
                                                   p u l l    t h e    d u n g    d o w n
                                                   underground  which  changes
                                                   the  structure  of  the  soil.  The
       dung  beetles  are  also  a  great  source  of  food  for  mammals,  small  birds,  and
 THE BIG DORSET APPLE CAKE DAY   As  well  as  dung  beetles,  we

       have  been  spotting  oil  beetles
       on  site  too.  Oil  beetles  have  a
 Milborne  St  Andrew  Village  are  holding     fascinating  lifecycle,  with  the
 a 'Big Dorset Apple Cake Day' to be held   larvae  feeding  on  the  eggs  of
 on    solitary  bees!  An  adult  bee  will
 Saturday  1st  June  2024  between  10.00-  unknowingly   carry   beetle
 12.00 at the MSA Village Hall, DT11 0JX   larvae   on   their   backs,
       depositing them in their nests.
 The  villagers  will  attempt  to  create  the
 biggest  Dorset  Apple  Cake  -    100  cakes  will  be  baked  and  then  assembled  on   We have also seen glow worms
 Friday ready for the unveiling on Saturday morning when the cake will be formally   on site, famous for the glowing
 cut and sold in slices or as whole cakes at the Community Cafe.  Come and join   green  light  that  the  females
 the extraordinary event and feast on Apple Cake on Dorset Day!  (Don't forget to   emit  to  attract  a  male.  I’m
 order your clotted cream!)   looking  forward  to  hopefully
       spotting some of the glow worms glowing a little later in the year!
 Decorations will be made by local school children.
       If  you  would  like  to  get  in  touch,  then  please  email  me:  Daisy  Meadowcroft

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