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May 2024                                                                             May 2024
                                                                                           OVER THE HILL

        Last  month  I  hosted  a  group  of  work  experience
        students in the constituency office. Ten students from                             For the third time I am trying to get this article in a presentable order. Actually it is
        six  different  schools  gave  up  a  week  of  their  Easter                      the fourth as I have tried once on Madge’s computer, which is far younger than
        holiday to gain an insight into the world of local and                             mine but has not been used for a while. Being in my early eighties, computers are
        national politics.                                                                 a complete mystery to me nowadays, despite many years of use but apparently
                                                                                           as  you  get  older  it  is  wrong  not  to  keep  in  practice  with  one,  because  they
        A few years ago, I was the chairman of the All-Party                               change  in  many  peculiar  ways  and  are  constantly  wanting  updating  and  the
        Parliamentary  Group  on  Youth  Employment,  and  it                              buying of new intricate systems. Actually I must confess that without David Gray’s
        was  clear  from  our research  that it  is  important  that                       help this article would never have reached our wonderful editor.
        young people can have the opportunity to see first-
        hand  how  the  skills  and  knowledge  they  are                                                              Actually I have just found a reading from the bible
        developing at school can be transferred into the work place.                                                   that would seem appropriate here.

                                                                My  staff  and  I                                      “Once  again  old  men  and  women,  so  old  that
                                                                arran ge     a                                         they use a stick when they walk, will be sitting in
                                                                v a r i e d                                            the city squares.” (Zechariah 6.8)”.
                                                                programme  of
                                                                activities  which                                      So if you see me walking up the West Street with a
                                                                a r e    b o t h                                       stick or sitting on the seat outside the shop in the
                                                                interesting, and                                       capital city of Bere Regis, you will understand that
                                                                                                                       I am getting old.
                                                                reflect    the
                                                                types  of  work                                        Everything  is  changing  in  the  world  today  at  a
                                                                my  staff  and  I                                      pace that is so rapid, with population levels rising
                                                                do on a regular                                        at very high rates, some 6.3% in this country in the
                                                                bas i s .   Th i s                                     past ten years. This plus the fact that the present
                                                                involves  some                                         generations  are  all  living  that  much  longer  and
                                                                of  the  more                                          that  our  diets  are  so  much  more  demanding,  it
                                                                m u n d a n e                                          means  there  is  a  huge  rise  in  the  amount  and
                                                                administrative                                         quality of food required to feed us all..
                                                                t a s k s    l i k e
                                                                p u t t i n g                                          This  puts  our  farmers  in  grave  straights,  with  our
                                                                hundreds    of             government  requiring  them  to  plant  10%  of  their  land  with  trees,  increase  their
                                                                letters   into             hedgerows  and  reduce  their  inputs  of  fertilisers  and  sprays,  which  will  inevitably
                                                                envelopes  and             mean  a  reduction  of  their  yields,  while  costs  and  all  overheads  are  constantly
        delivering leaflets, as well as the highlights!  During the week, the young people   going  up  and  prices  of  their  finished  products  remaining  the  same  or  even
        had the chance to ask questions of a member of the House of Lords in a virtual     reducing. All this, plus the fact that we have been experiencing the wettest winter
        Q & A; chat to my staff about what it is like to work in the seat of our democracy   ever recorded, puts farmers in very difficult circumstances.
        in Parliament; find out about being a local Town or Dorset Councillor; and chat     In my forty odd years as a farm/estate manager, I was responsible for purchasing
        to me about their plans for their future careers. They asked me about being a      some millions of pounds worth of fertiliser with high nitrogen solubility and all sorts
        local  MP and  Cabinet Minister, and  we  challenge them  too -  we  ask  them  to   of herbicides, fungicides and insecticides which increased the yield potentials of
        imagine they are in charge. What laws would they change?  What would they          arable  crops  and  grassland  generally  but  nowadays  are  considered
        ban?  How  would  they  react  to  differing  demands  on  their  time?  What  would   environmentally unfriendly.
        they  do  to  solve  various  national  issues?  If  they  could  be  Prime  Minister,  who
        would they choose to be in the Cabinet?                                            During my farming days, making a profit was as difficult as it is today, but with all

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