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May 2024                                                                             May 2024

                       BERE REGIS NEWS                                                     MILBORNE MOVIES

       BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL                                                            The Windermere Children
                                                                                            Friday 17th May 2024 at 7.30pm
                                                                                            Village  Hall,  The  Causeway,  Milborne  St  Andrew
       Chairman:       n Park   07970 727792                DT11 0JX
                                                                                            Doors and bar open 7.00pm
       Vice       Bryan     07969 770890
       Chairman:  Benjafield                                                                Tickets  cost  £6,  which  includes  a  drink  or  an  ice-
       Parish     Amanda    07855 396073
       Clerk:     Crocker
                                                                                            The Windermere Children

       Websites:               The War is Over.  For These Child Holocaust Survivors It Is A New beginning.  A film
                                                                                            based on the experience of these child survivors.
                                                                                            One  summer’s  night  in  1945,  300 children  are in  transit  from  Prague  to  the Lake
       The Parish Council met on Thursday 11   April 2024 in the Village Hall. There were   District, a remote and picturesque corner of the English countryside. They are child
       five  members  of  the  public  present.  Members  of  the  press  and  public  are   survivors of the Nazi Holocaust that has all but wiped out Europe’s Jews – and for
       welcome  and  there  is  a  period  for  public  participation  at  the  start.  If  you  are   these  particular  children,  their  entire  families  too.  They  are  some  of  the  1000
       unable to attend but wish to submit a comment or question, please contact the        children the British government has granted refuge to, giving them a place where
       Clerk or any member of the Parish Council.
                                                                                            they can rehabilitate and grow strong after the devastation of the war.

                                                                                            They carry only the clothes they wear and a few meagre possessions, along with
       Village Meeting                                                                      the physical and psychological scars of all they have suffered. They do not know
       Due to the up-coming local elections, we have been advised by Dorset Council         what  awaits  them  in  Britain  and  naturally  they  are  fearful:  they  don’t  speak
       that the Annual Village Meeting should be postponed. It will now be help on July     English, and having spent many years living in death camps, have missed out on a
       20 , when we hope to have a draft of the Neighbourhood Plan Review available         proper education. But the children are also excited, for the war is over, and there
       to the public to read and discuss, together with proposals for the location of the   is always hope that the future will be kinder to them than the past.
       new community hall. We will announce more details in the coming weeks.               This  moving  and  ultimately  redemptive  story  follows  the  children  and  the
                                                                                            remarkable  team  who  were  responsible  for  helping  these  children  rebuild  their

                                                                                            lives as they forge friendships that will become a lifeline to a better future.
       D-Day Events
       We are currently planning for the 80  Anniversary of D-Day in June, and intend to
       light the beacon on the evening of Thursday 6  June at 9.15pm and have some
       refreshments  available.  If  you  would  like  to  be  involved  in  helping  organise  any
       additional  events  to  commemorate  this,  please  contact  the  Clerk  on

       Dog Mess
       We  have  again  noticed  an  increase  of  dog  mess  being  left  on  paths  and

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