Page 19 - may2024
P. 19

May 2024                              May 2024
       pavements  around  the  village,  despite  there  being  bins  at  regular  intervals  on
       most walks that these can be deposited into. We would urge all dog users to be
 POETRY CORNER   considerate of others, and the impact of people walking in, or pushing pushchairs
       or wheelchairs through dog mess, and pick up after your dog!

 Normandy (It Could Have Been Me)
       Wildlife Group
 The sky was dark when we left home, as we went to fight the hun.   Due  to  the  recent  storms  we’ve  suffered,  plus  the  continued  spread  of  Ash
 Our orders were to put an end to what he had begun.   dieback, The Parish Council have had to remove quite a few trees recently, as a
 I did not know what to expect, as I sat with my rifle against my knee.   result  we  will  be  re-planting  replacement  trees  to  maintain  the  good  tree
       population within the village, in the coming months.
 Now, I stand and look at the rows of graves and think it could have been me.

 I didn’t think of myself as a hero, as I fought my way onto dry land.   May Parish Council Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting
 Over tank traps and barbed wire, I clawed my way up the sand,   Due to the local elections on May 2 , we have moved our May Parish Council
 When  the  ramp  of  the  landing  craft  lowered,  and  we  waded  through  the   meeting.  This  meeting  also  acts  as  our  AGM,  and  is  preceded  by  the  Annual
 bloody sea.   Parish  Meeting  where  the  Parish  Council  Chairman  gives  his  report  for  the  year
 Now, I stand and look at the rows of graves and think it could have been me.   and any representatives from community groups within the Parish can come and
       update us on their activities for the year. The revised date is Tuesday 14  May at
 We made our way south through Normandy, to where we dug ourselves in.
 We were under constant shell fire. I did not think that we could win.   Cemetery Fees
 There was no glory in the stench of carnage and debris.
 Now, I stand and look at the rows of graves and think it could have been me.   It  was  agreed  at  the  meeting  to  increase  all  cemetery  fees  for  burials  and
       interments by 3% as per previous years.

 I try not to remember but I cannot forget.
 My best mate was blown apart, and that still haunts me yet.   Village Walks
 It chills me to the bone. In a place where life should be,   With the current closure of parts of May’s Wood, which formed part of one route
 Now, I stand and look at the rows of graves and think it could have been me.   on the Village Walks leaflet, we have reconfigured the route to avoid this area,
       and  will  soon  be  republishing  the  routes  in  both  the  leaflets  and  on  updated
       Village Information Signs in the Car Park and in the layby outside Wild Woodbury.
 I have had no desire to return to this place, since nineteen forty-four.   In  conjunction  with  this,  we  will  also  be  installing  some  way  markers  along  the
 Then, I was simply doing my job, when this country was at war.   routes to make navigation easier!
 As I look back over my shoulder, as far as my eye can see,
 Now, I stand and look at the rows of graves and think it could have been me.   Next Meeting

 Paul J Openshaw (2014)   The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 14  May 2024 commencing 7pm at the
       Village  Hall.  If  you  wish  to  have  an  item  added  to  the  agenda  for  discussion,
       please contact the Clerk or a member of the Parish Council before the 1  May.

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