Page 25 - may2024
P. 25

May 2024                              May 2024


       The last History Meeting was just before Easter so it was decided to do the recipe
       for  Easter  Biscuits  or  Shrewsbury  Cakes.    There  are  many  variations.    Shrewsbury
       cakes go back to 1500 and are named after the town of Shrewsbury.   It is neither
       a  cake  nor  a  biscuit;  it  is  however  a  traditional  Easter  bake  studded  Caraway
       seeds.  The pictures of Shrewsbury Cakes and Easter Biscuits on the internet look
       very  similar  and  whether  it  is  an  Easter  Biscuit  or  Shrewsbury  cake  depends  on
       where you come from.  In Yorkshire they are known as Easter Biscuits.
       The Bere Regis recipe has three variations, Lemon fruit and Caraway seeds

       Shrewsbury or Easter Cakes
       Bere Regis recipe book
       ¼ lb butter ¼ lb castor sugar 6 oz flour 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind (or a few
       currants or caraway seeds) 1 egg – Beat the butter and sugar to a cream then
       add the egg and  lemon rind beat well together and then stir in the flour smoothly
       – roll out thin and cut into rounds.  Bake in a very moderate oven till done
       Alison’s Bake at the History society was very light and lemony
       The second recipe baked at the last meeting was a Genoa Cake.  Again there
       are many variations.  The Original Genoa cake comes from the town of Genoa in
       Italy.    It  has  been  baked  here  for  centuries  and  is  known  here  as  a  basic  fruit
       cake.  It seems all the big supermarkets have their own versions.  Modern cakes
       have cherries glace icing and nuts.  Here is the Bere Regis Recipe which has no
       raisins but does contain Brandy.  I couldn’t find any other reference to Brandy in a
       Genoa cake on the internet.

       Genoa Cake

       Bere Regis Recipe Book
       ½ lb flour ¼ lb butter ¼ lb castor sugar
       2 oz mixed candied peel 5 oz sultanas
       5  oz  currants  1  teaspoon  baking
       powder  3  eggs  into  which are  stirred
       ¼  of  a  wineglass  of  brandy  ¼
       teaspoon ground cinnamon or mixed
       Dry the flour thoroughly and add it to

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