Page 24 - may2024
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May 2024                                                                             May 2024
                                                                                           POP IN PLACE NEWS

       Society Meeting of 27 March
                                                                                            Pop In Performers stage “ Magic of the
       We  began  our  March  meeting  with  an                                             Musicals”
       explanation of how we record our finds from Field-
       Walks  or  Trenches  in  the Museum  Garden.  First  a                               Show tickets are now available at £5 each the shows are
       map  is  drawn  showing  where  the  work  was                                       on :-
       conducted,  then  the  finds  are  washed  then                                      Thursday  27  June at 6pm
       groups of finds are separated and filled in on the                                   Friday       28  June at 7pm
       finds  sheet.  After  this  the  finds  are  labelled  and
       boxed  for  future  reference.  The  records  were                                   Saturday  29  June at 2pm
       shown for a field-walk conducted on 17th March                                       Rehearsals are going well with the stage packed with talented and enthusiastic
       and it was pointed out that the last item on the list                                youngsters.  We  will  be  raising  money  at  our  production  entitled  “Magic  of  the
       was a "silver coin". This was a silver groat cut to a                                Musicals” for the Kingfisher Ward at DCH. This was at the request of Autumn one of
       half  groat  and  found  on  the  surface;  not  by  a  metal  detector.  The  inscription   our young performers, who is very grateful to the hospital as they saved her life.
       shows that it was either Henry-IV (1399-1413) or Henry-V (1413-1422).
                                                                                            We journey through the older traditional musicals in Part one with cameos from
                                                       Next  we  looked  at  a              Oklahoma, Mary Poppins and Oliver. In Part two we have songs from Hair Spray ,
            Front and back views of the 15th century   number   found  Limestone            the Greatest Showman, Les Miserables, Sister  Act , Bat Out of Hell and  Abba.  A

                       silver half-groat               region  alone.  We  now              fantastic mix of well-loved musicals performed by the wonderful Pop In Performers
                                                                                            and raising funds for your local children’s ward.
                                                       have  hundreds  but  just
                                                       about 20 were shown and
                                                       these were all rough apart           Dorset Wrecks Evening
                                                       from  on  one  side  where
                                                       they  had  been  smoothed            Thank you to everyone who came along to our Dorset Wrecks social evening last
                                                       to  form  part  of  the  floor       month it was a very enjoyable evening. Our grateful Thanks to those who did the
                                                       surface  of  a  Romano-              catering Sue Alexander , Claire Alexander, Alison Lynam and Jo Syrett.
                                                       British  building.  Next  Nigel
                                                       gave us a detailed look at
                                                       his  very  recent  metal-
                                                       detecting  finds  from  near
                                                       the  top  of  Rye  Hill,  which
                                                       included   many   bronze
       pieces, some dating back to the Mediaeval period and one to about 1300AD.
       Helen  reviewed  research  done  on  the  Burial  Board  book  which  has  a  burial
       record at Bere between 1841 and 1949 which is a very valuable addition to our
       village burial record. A new article for the Bulletin details burials at Bere detailing
       records dating back 5,500 years which now total 36,281 burials.
       We finished with refreshments from Sue who had cooked some Easter cakes for us
       all to sample and from recipes in the Bere Cook Book.
                                                                                            Also  a big   thank you  to Claire  Alexander
                                                    John Pitfield, Projects Secretary       Brown  who  made  David  Hart  a wonderful
                                                                                            cake to celebrate his 6oth Birthday.

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