Page 6 - BR May 2023
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May 2023                                              DATES FOR                      May 2023

       Maintaining your Parish Church – the APCM and what it
       means                                                                                         YOUR DIARY

       The Annual Meeting of Parishioners (AMP), open to anyone who lives in the parish     2023
       or worships in the church.  The only business is to elect the churchwardens.
       And  the  Annual  Parochial  Church  Meeting  (APCM)  which  follows  on  straight        Floral Group                1st Thursday Club   Communibus   Women’s Institute
       away, is open to those who are on the church Electoral Roll – if you would like to
       go on the Electoral Roll please get in touch.                                             Salt and Pepper Club   Pop in Place    Twinning      Gardening Club

       St John the Baptist AMP & APCM will follow on (after refreshments) from the 4pm
       Rogation service on 14  May.
       St Laurence AMP & APCM is on Friday 19  May at 2pm in the church.
       The business – to keep an overview of how the church is being run by receiving            4th    Jo Belasco ‘Dorset legends and landmarks’
       reports  on  changes  to  the  electoral  roll,  financial  statements  of  the  PCC
       (Parochial Church Council) for year ending Dec 31  2022, the state of the church          5th    Coronation Party
       building  (fabric),  goods  and  ornaments,  the  activities  of  the  parish  and
       proceedings  of  the  PCC.    To  elect  representatives  to  the  PCC,  appoint
       sidespeople  and  the  auditor,  and  to  question  and  discuss  issues  relating  to  the      9th   Sue Wall   'Reuse and Recycle'  Demonstration
       parish and its life, ministry and mission.
       We  are  always  looking  for  more  willing  volunteers  to  join  any  of  the  Parochial      9th   New Forest & Lyndhurst  £12                  9.30am
       Church Council’s (PCC) in the benefice and If you would like to offer some time,
       please do get in touch with either me or one of the Church wardens.  It really is a       25th   Folk Night, Skittle Alley, Drax Arms  -  Erika Lewis   7.30pm
       case of many hands make light work.
                                                                                                 24th   Mystery Tour  £10                                  10am
       And in the Benefice…
       Benefice Messy Church – Sunday 28  May.                                                    30th   Moreton Gardens for afternoon tea  £6 + refreshments   2pm
       The next Messy Church will be in person at 4pm at St John the Baptist Church, Bere         30th   Folk Night, Skittle Alley, Drax Arms  Kevin Andrerson   7.30pm
       The  theme  is  ‘Who  will  help  us?’  –  telling  the  story  of  Pentecost.    All  families
       welcome for a  mix of crafts, activities, story, songs and tea for everyone at the
       end.  You can get more information by contacting Rev Sandra.

       Friday Benefice Walks

       Do you enjoy walking?  This year from March until October, we are organising a
       walk on the fourth Friday of the month.  Some walks will be shorter than others, but
       everyone  is  very  welcome,  including  dogs.    They  will  usually  begin  with  a
       shortened  Morning  Praise  and  then  when  we  get  back  we’ll  end  with  a  simple
       Eucharist followed by a picnic for those who can stay.

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