Page 26 - br-may-2021
P. 26

May 2021                                                                             May 2021

       Footpaths and                                                                        BERE REGIS SPORTS CLUB  -  CRICKET
       Bridleways                             Bere Regis Village Shop

       There  have  been  concerns                                                          Website:
       expressed about the possibility of    I would like to thank the
       some  of  our  footpaths  and         Moorse family  -Mike and
       bridleways being threatened with      Anita and Doug and                             Home Fixtures in May
       closure. Obstructing a public right
       of way is illegal and this includes   Denise, owners of the                          Saturday 1st  - Martinstown
       telling  people  that  they  can  no   Spar, who have sold their                     Wednesday 5  – Charlton Down
       longer  use  the  path  and  asking   shop to me.
       them  to  leave.  Any  changes  to                                                   Saturday 8  – Wimborne/Colehill III
       rights of way have to go through      They have provided many years of                         th
       a   DMMO    (Definitive   Map         service to the village and the local           Monday 10  – Dorchester U15
       Modification Order) procedure. A      community. I would like to say a big           Tuesday 11  – Cerne Valley U11
       DMMO  is  analogous  to  a            thank you to them and wish them all
       planning  application  and  needs     the best for the future.                       Saturday 15  – Cattistock & Symene
       submission to Dorset Council and                                                     Tuesday 18  – Cattistock & Symene U11
       allows  for  public  consultation.  If   I am looking forward meeting
       you  are  challenged,  please  be     everyone in due course and hope                Wednesday 19  – Puddletown II
       assured that there have been no
       applications  for  any  DMMOs  in     that we can continue serving the               Saturday 22  – Royal Challenger Sports
       the parish. If there are any in the   village as well as our predecessors.           Sunday 23  – Charlton Down (TT25)
       future,  the  Parish  Council  will  be                   Jagtar Singh
       informed.                                                                            Monday 24  – Martinstown U15
                                                                                            Wednesday 26  – Dewlish

       Environment and                                                                      Saturday 29  - Christchurch
                                     It  is  now  9  years  since  the  Parish  Council
                                     bought, with the help of a nature conservation         BERE REGIS HISTORY SOCIETY
                                     grant,  the  Souls  Moor/  Bere  Stream  SNCI  (Site
                                     of  Nature  Conservation  Interest)  in  order  to
                                     create  a  village  nature  reserve.  Time  has        Driving Cress to the Local Markets
                                     moved on and much has changed which has
                                     benefited wildlife. It is worth reflecting on how      I  recently  found  some  entries  in  one  of  my  father's  diaries
                                     our  nature  reserve  has  developed  and  what        from the late 1940s which referred to how Bedford & Jesty
                                     has been achieved. .                                   transported  their  cress  to  the  markets  in  London.  The
                                                                                            designated driver usually chose a youngster to help with the
                                      Ponies have been grazing for the past 4 years         unloading at the other end, and they had to get there very
                                     and created close cropped grass in the wetter          early in the morning. My Dad was aged 18 in 1949. The dates and entries are as
                                     boggy  areas  where  important  plants  such  as       follows:-
                                     the   Southern   Marsh   Orchids   are   now
                                     flourishing.  They  are  not  so  interested  in  the   11-12 April 1949: "After supper I went with the cress lorry to London. The driver was
                                     drier  parts  nearer  to  the  school  where  longer   Fred  Dean  and  we  left  Bere  Regis  about  11  o'clock.  After  driving  all  night  we

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