Page 28 - br-may-2021
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May 2021                                                                             May 2021

       BERE REGIS AND THE PANDEMIC APRIL                                                    VILLAGE HALL
       2020 TO APRIL 2021
                                                                                            Reopening of the village Hall for Public

       As we pass the anniversary of the first lockdown of the COVID 19 pandemic, it is
       perhaps the right time to look back and reflect on how our community reacted          If  all  goes  to  plan  we  will  be  looking  at  opening  the
       and rose to the challenge this disease created.                                      village  Hall  on  Monday  21   June  there  will  still  be  very   VILLAGE
                                                                                            strict  Covid  Safe  Procedures,  including  cleaning  hand
                                              As  in  most  other  communities,  we         sanitizing etc the full details are yet to be published.   HALL
                                              should  perhaps  firstly  recognise  the
                                              enormous  number  of  unsung,  and            If you are interested in hiring the hall phone 01929 471528
                                              unnoticed  acts  of  kindness  carried        More updates will be in this magazine over the next few months.
                                              out  for  relatives  and  by  friends  and
                                              neighbours  to  help  those  who  were
                                              on  their  own  or  ‘shielding’  from  the
                                              earliest  days  of  the  pandemic.  Then      Defibrillators in Bere Regis All of these are Public Access
                                              there  were  the  innumerable  acts  of       Drax Arms West Street
                                              selflessness  by  those  who  live  in  our
                                              midst  who  are  ‘key  workers’.  Let  us     Visible from street on front wall
       remember the delivery drivers, our posties, the shop workers, the doctors, nurses
       and  paramedics,  the  teachers  and  teaching  assistants,  the  care  workers,  our
       priests and pastors and many others, who carried on doing their jobs in the most     The Village Hall North Street
       difficult, and sometimes dangerous, of circumstances. We will recognise some of
       these people when we present our Certificates of Appreciation in due course.         Visible from Street on front wall
       We should also recognise that this past year has been an appallingly difficult time
       for those who are on their own, or who have medical conditions that made them
       vulnerable, or who perhaps suffer from mental issues that the pandemic can only      The Sports Club end of North Street
       have exacerbated.                                                                    On Wall of the larger white building near entrance (not the old barn building)

       Our  young  people,  too,  have  had  an  incredibly  difficult  year  with  friendships   -------------------------------------------------------------------
       interrupted and schooling or education curtailed. Our school (and parents) had
       to react quickly to the need for distance learning and the delivery of materials for   There is a defibrillator at the Doctors Surgery Manor Farm Road for use by them it
       home schooling.                                                                      would only be available when the surgery was open.
       The  response  of  our  community  has,  as  in  so  many  other  similar  communities,
       been magnificent. Here are some of the highlights that we should perhaps put on      Monday -Friday 8.30- 6.30 Weds 8.30 -4pm
       record, before they are forgotten.
                                                                                            There is also a defibrillator at the school that would only be available when the
       On  Friday,  13   March 2020  the  situation  was  looking  sufficiently  serious  that  the   school is open.
       Parish Council convened a meeting that brought together representatives of the
       School, Pop In Place, WI, the Church, the Surgery, Scouts and the Sports Club to                                                                Alison Bennett
       discuss  and  agree  a  community  wide  response.  Out  of  that  meeting  emerged
       BereConnect  and  the  posters  which  were  distributed  to  all  households  with
       emergency contact numbers and advice, the food bank and much else.

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