Page 21 - br-may-2021
P. 21

May 2021                              May 2021
 these  fertilisers  into  rivers  and  other  water  supplies,  causing  all  sorts  of  alien   Virtual Meetings
 vegetative  growth  and  chemical  contamination  .As  for  chemical  sprays,  some
 have been a definite  problem since first used, for example, when glyphosphates   Government  recently
 were first introduced we couldn’t believe our luck, they did a wonderful job but   announced  that  there
 are  now  banned  widely  because  of  the  damage  they  can  do.  Many  new   would be no extension
 changes  have  been  made  which  are  beneficially  increasing  yields  by  use  of   for   local   authority
 botanical  techniques  in  crops  and  the  use  of  zoological  breeding  of  higher   virtual  meetings  to  be
 yielding animals.   held  after  7  May,  due
       t o    l a c k    o f
 Much of what I learnt during my three years at agricultural college, almost sixty   Parliamentary  time  to
 years ago is no longer acceptable. Even the plough is becoming a less used tool   consider  this  matter.
 and  surface  soils  are  being treated  in  entirely  different  ways.  Some  years  ago I   T h i s    c r e a t e s    a
 decided  I  needed  to  update  my  complete  outlook  on  life  and  add  to  my   challenging   situation
 knowledge of the natural world. So I actually obtained a degree in Environmental   as  COVID  restrictions
 Studies  with  the  Open  University,  which  caused  me  a  lot  of  effort  and  some   are  not  anticipated  to
 trouble  but  am  glad  I  did  it.  I  can  now  look  on  our  world  with  a  completely   be  lifted  fully  until  21
 different perspective and appreciate the wonders of the basic, natural world.         June  at the earliest. In  the meantime,  we do  not  have any  meeting  spaces  big
 At  this time of the global pandemic, we  think of all those who are suffering, all   enough for all 82 councillors to meet in person in a COVID secure way. To give an
 those  who  have  passed  away  and  we  especially  want  to  thank  all  those  who   indication  of  the  current  restrictions,  within  the  whole  of  the  South  Walks  House
 have been instrumental in caring for the sick.   committee suite space, there is only sufficient room for a maximum of 15 people to
       meet in a COVID secure way.  And in the County Hall council chamber, it would
                            May God bless them all.   only be possible for a maximum of 18 people to meet in a COVID secure way. This
       would not even allow for Cabinet meetings to be held in person.
                                                       Ted Cox
       Our  democratic  services  team  has  also  looked  at  other  possible  venues  across
       Dorset, but none have been found where all 82 councillors could meet in person
       and conduct a Full Council meeting in a COVID secure way. As a result, we have
       had to move our  Annual Council meeting forward by a few days to 4 May so it
       can be held virtually. We do not yet know whether council meetings will revert to
       being held in person from 21 June, and this will depend on Government guidance
       based  on  the  current  COVID  situation.  We  have  been  continually  lobbying
 Did you Know?   Government for councils to retain the ability to choose when they whether they
       want  to  hold  meetings  in  person,  online,  or  as  a  hybrid  in  future.  In  light  of  this
 You can have your parish magazine delivered to your door each month if   situation, we have been exploring the options for how we hold council meetings in
 you live within the parishes.   the  interim  period  between  7  May  and  21  June,  in  a  way  that  is  legal,  COVID
       secure, and enables the democratic process to continue. More on this next month
 We have a fantastic team of volunteer distributors who undertake the
 delivery of this magazine, and for just £8 a year (which is £1 less that you   The choice of schools for Children
 would pay at the retail price and no charge for delivery),  you could be   Recently parents across the county found out which primary, first junior or middle
 included on one of these rounds.   school their child will be going to in September 2021. Of the 4482 applications –

 Contact the Editor, for more information:  Alison Debenham     99.09 per cent of parents are receiving the good news that their child has gained
       one of their three preferences, compared to last years’ figure of 98.8 per cent.  This    or  01929 471780   includes places for those starting school for the first time, transferring from infant to
       junior school and transferring from first to middle schools. Of the 3105 applications

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