Page 22 - br-may-2021
P. 22

May 2021                                                                             May 2021

       for a reception place at Primary, Infant and First schools put into Dorset Council,   up along the ditches leading to the river. Also in the wet environment next to the
       98.9  per  cent  have  secured  a  place  at  one  of  their  preferred  schools.  100  per   river are that great relative of the celandine and buttercup, the marsh marigold
       cent  of  children  got  their  first  choice  for  junior  school,  97.5  per  cent  for  middle   or king cup, with its large, glossy yellow blooms, up to five centimetres across and
       school and 94 per cent for reception.                                                large glossy, kidney shaped green leaves. Another very prolific flower now to be
                                                                                            seen in our woodlands is the bluebell, which is now beginning to blossom in huge
       Any parents who failed to get their highest preference school and are wanting to     quantities.
       appeal  against  the  decision  can  do  so  on  school  admissions  page  on  the
       website.                                                                             It  is  wonderful  living  in  the  countryside  but
                                                                                            how things change even in the countryside.. I

                                                                                            have recently  been reading Frederick  Treves
       Surgery                                                                              book  Highways  and  Byways  in  Dorset,  first
                                                                                            published  in  1906.  He  mentions  the  maze  at
       We are not holding face to face meetings until we are allowed to do so under
       government  guidelines.  However,  we  would  be  more  than  delighted  to  talk  to   Leigh, which he says was on high  ground in
       you on the telephone or via Zoom. Please ring or email us with the subject matter    an  open  field.He  goes  on  to  say,  “Of  the
       so   that   we   can   prepare   ourselves.   Peter’s   email   address   is         winding  passages  no  trace  survives.  Nothing    telephone   07986   600799   and    Laura’s   is           indeed is left but the low bank and the ditch,  telephone 07814 569563.                       with  which  the  place  of  entertainment  was
                                                                                            surrounded. The enclosure is circular and very
                         Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck    small  It  would  not  content  the  present  day
                                                                                            villager, who needs for his open air pleasures,
                                                                                            a  barrel-organ,  a  roundabout,  plenty  of
                                                                                            swings,  a  row  of  coconuts  to  “shy”  at  and  if
       SPEEDING ON THE C6 THROUGH                                                           possible, a fat woman in a tent.”

       SOUTHBROOK AND RYE HILL BERE REGIS                                                   So  you  see  our  needs  over  the  past  one
                                                                                            hundred  and  twenty  years  have  changed
                                                                                            even  more.  However  it  is  great  to  see  so
                                                                                            many  people  walking  in  the  countryside
       We  have  received  a  reply  from  the  Dorset  Council  and  regrettably  it  is  not  in   today and the number of television programs about the countryside and farming.
       favour of reducing the speed limit to 20 mph.                                        All  supported  by  a  huge,  wonderful  selection  of  books  on  the  countryside,  the

       I have published a copy of the letter for you to read the responses.                 environment generally, climatic situations and wildlife generally and of course the
                                                                                            inclusion  in  our  children’s’,  education  all  kinds  of    subjects  involving  the  natural
       Thankfully  Angie  and  Ian  Wright  are  well  ahead  with  establishing  a  Community   world.
       Speed Watch and this will be our way forward to support our case.
                                                                                            In the past century many things have changed in the natural world as a result of
       Thank you to everyone who wrote letters and signed the petition, I don’t feel that   the  huge  increase  in  human  population  and  of  mans’  influence  on  the
       it was a wasted effort as it has raised awareness of our concerns, and these will    environment  generally.  The  use  of  plastics  and  polythene,  the  burning  of  fossil
       not  disappear,  as  lockdown  eases  and  the  traffic  gets  heavier  and  we  have   fuels  and  the  increase  of  the  use  of  oil  products  including  petrol  and  diesel
       collected recorded speeds we will be in a stronger position to resubmit this once    producing  more  and  more  carbon  dioxide  .have  of  course  caused  huge
       again.                                                                               environmental problems.
       Also when you read this we will (hopefully ) have the SID in action, another pro-    Even agriculture has to change quite radically. When I was at college we learnt
       active step that is  being taken.                                                    about  the  use  of  all  sorts  of  chemicals,  which  were  to  the  benefit  of  farming
                                                                                            generally or so we thought and therefore to mankind. Since then, the use of many
       In the meantime this road remains a concern and we will continue to campaign         chemicals, including fertilisers have been accepted as a detriment to the world
       for the safety of our community.                                                     generally.  For  instance,  the  use  of  high  levels  nitrogenous  fertilisers  to  increase
                                                                   Alison Bennett           yields were thought to be essential but little was thought about the leaching of

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