Page 30 - br-may-2021
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May 2021                                                                             May 2021

       prescriptions  from  the  surgery  to  the  housebound,  and  by  driving  residents  to
       hospital appointments as necessary. Latterly these drivers have taken on the task   POP IN PLACE NEWS
       of getting people to and from vaccine clinics.

       We  originally  thought  that  many  volunteers  would  be  needed  to  undertake   Volunteers Wanted
       shopping trips for residents who were shielding, but in the event,  many of these   The  Pop  In  Place  will  need  a  rota  of  volunteers  to  help
       tasks were taken up by Dorset Council delivering food parcels, and by relatives,    with  the  community  café  to  serve  the  teas,  to  chat  to
       friends and neighbours stepping in to give help.                                    people if you think you would like to become one of our
                                                     Some  of  the  BereConnect            amazing team of people who make such a difference to
                                                     volunteers  found  themselves         others lives please do get in touch.
                                                     in  a  new  role  by  providing  a
                                                     ‘Buddy’   link   to   isolated
                                                     residents  who  valued  the           Pop In Place Rainbow Café
                                                     human    contact   of   an            If everything goes  according to the Government roadmap  we hope to reopen
                                                     occasional   chat   on   the          the Community Café on Friday 25  June 10am  If this looks like a feasible thing I
                                                     phone.                                will call a meeting of all volunteer helpers on the previous Friday 18   at 10am to
                                                     We should also recall how our         have  a  training  session  on  opening  in  a  covid  safe  way,  and  make  a  rota  of
                                                     local community services and          helpers and drivers. If you want to come along but need transport phone 471170
                                                     businesses quickly adjusted to
                                                     the  new  circumstances  and
       contributed  to  life  in  lockdown.  Our  shop  adapted  to  social  distancing,  and   Pop In Performers Group
       brought  in  an  expanded  range  of  fresh  foods  to  meet  local  needs.  Our  pubs   If regulation allow, our  plan is to start this  group up in September using some of
       turned  themselves  into  takeaways,  and  for  a  short  period  in  the  summer  even   the Grease items we started working on mixed up with a few Christmas favourite
       adapted to providing an indoor service under the Eat Out to Help Out scheme.        we will invite you to Rydell High Christmas Prom our Christmas Show in December.
       The Post Office maintained a magnificent service, sometimes indoors, often from
       the window, even delivering to peoples’ homes if necessary. The surgery adapted
       quickly  to  the  distancing  rules  and  to  the  need  for  appropriate  PPE.  Who  will   New Projects being proposed
       forget queueing for prescriptions under the shelter of a tent provided by the Scout
       Group? I am certain, too, that none of us will forget how we came to rely on the    The Repair shop
       distribution services of our greengrocers, the fish van, the fish and chip vans, the
       ice cream trailer and other deliveries.                                             We hope to develop this in the Lower room during the community café hours for
                                                                                           people to make or repair items if you are interested in the project please pop into
       Now,  a year on, in  the middle  of  April,  it would  appear that  due  to distancing,   the café and let us know.
       and to the effectiveness of the vaccines, the impact of the pandemic may at last
       be waning. Medically, Bere Regis was not hit as hard as other places, but many of   Garden of Hope
       our residents faced great financial hardship and the mental and physical health
       issues caused by lock down. Perhaps our community response, and our individual      This  is  still  very  much  on  the  agenda  but  the  holdup  is  trying  to  find  a  suitable
       good sense in abiding by the ever-changing rules, helped alleviate at least some    space to develop it in, in the meantime it is hoped we may be able to enhance
       of the problems we faced.                                                           some  other  areas  of  the village  that  are  owned  by  the  Parish council  while  we
                                                                                           work on the right site for this project. The first area we hope to start work on with
       Looking  ahead,  the  next  challenge  will  be  rebuilding  our  community         the  Parish  Council  representative  Robin  Pitcher  is  improving  the  cemetery,
       organisations,  and  encouraging  people  to  participate  and  get  involved  again.   planting  trees  and  bulbs  and  renovating  the  shelter.  Please  let  me  know  if  you
       With  the  care  and  kindness  everyone  showed  during  the  pandemic  we  have   would like to help with this project.
       every reason to feel optimistic about the future.

                                                                   Ian Ventham

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