Page 12 - br-may-2021
P. 12

May 2021                                                                             May 2021

                                                                                            later was prosecco in the garden.  It was cold.  The ice cream van was back over
                                OBITUARIES                                                  Easter weekend so a group of us met and her friends threw sticks for me down by
                                                                                            the river walk while they ate ice creams.
                 odd pedestrian as he rushed off to board a boat to Brownsea, he            She has been on another walk from the Visitor centre at Thomas Hardy’s cottage.
                 was happy and that is thanks to the great staff there.                     It was busy and the car park was overflowing.  One reason is that for five people

         Dave, If he hadn’t been so poorly would have doubtless rather enjoyed his          in her party there were four cars.  Again really good to sit outside and partake of
         final  journey  in  the  Ambulance,  mainly  because  of  the  high  speed  he  was   takeaway refreshments in company.
         travelling racing through Wareham and Sandford to Poole Hospital.                  The Drax Arms weekly quiz had ended.  Some local pubs will open next week but
         Sadly he had suffered a massive heart attack and there was no more they            Bere Regis is still dry and will wait until May.  The Royal Oak and Drax will still be
         could do for him.                                                                  shut this week.  I was left outside again at Bartletts. The girls there took pity on me
                                                                                            and gave me some Dog Biscuits.   We have done Easter Flowers in the church on
         Dave, our  dear old friend, We will miss you for sure;                             Easter Saturday.  Conversation has moved on to the  second vaccinations.  The
                                                                                            hairdressers open this week but I think it may be some time before she can get an
         You  were  a  unique  Character,  with  the  most  terrific                        appointment.
         sense of fun.
                                                                                            Hopefully  things  will  get  back  to  normal  but  she  thinks  now  self  catering
         We just hope that now you have your wings you will be                              accommodation is opening,  and  the stay  at home part of lockdown is ending.
         able to go even faster.                                                            We  will  have  more  people  down  here  on  holiday.      She  is  told  that  holiday
                                                                                            bookings are almost fully booked so will have to look forward to Gridlock Dorset
                                                                                            this  summer.    Back  to  partying  in  the  garden,  shopping  first  thing  to  avoid  the
                                                                                            traffic and watching cricket at the Sports Club.
                                                                                                                                                        Jenny Stone

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