Page 10 - br-may-2021
P. 10

May 2021                                                                             May 2021
                                                                                           are itching to get going again but clearly we will have to take one step at a time
                                OBITUARIES                                                 as each regulation is relaxed. It’s been a long hard slog but there does appear to
                                                                                           be some light at the end of the tunnel.

                David Charles Whitty                                                       Once  again  I  want  to  take  this  opportunity  to  publicly  thank  everyone  who  has
                                                                                           helped get us this far, not least of all the rest of my trustees who have stayed in
       It was with great sadness that we learned of the                                    post above and beyond their term of office. Once public meetings are allowed
       death of Dave, who had been a regular at the                                        we will be having our much overdue agm where those trustees who wish to will be
       Pop  In  Place  and  was  well  known  by  many  in                                 able to step down and anyone who is interested in possibly becoming a trustee
       the village.                                                                        can come forward. It is really encouraging that almost every organisation within
                                                                                           the  village/parish  has  a  representative  on  the  trustees  and  I  truly  hope  that  will
       Due to covid restrictions his funeral was quite a                                   remain the case and hopefully improve to cover all organisations. If being a part
       small gathering but I have shared his tribute for                                   of  the  trustees  interests  you  or  you  are  just  curious  about  what  it  means  and
       you to read and hope that it will bring a smile as                                  involves please give me a shout and let’s have a chat. There will be much to be
       you remember Dave.                                                                  done and many hands make light work.
                                                                                           So here’s to 2021 being brighter and happier going forward.

       Goodbye Turbo Dave                                                                                    Stuart Chorley, Chairman of Briantspuddle Village Hall Trustees
       Dave started coming to the Pop In Place about                                                                    Email  mobile 07818078191
       eight years ago, along with Charlie, Lenny and
       Peggy who he adored, soon he became a regular.                                       AFFPUDDLE AND TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH
       He enjoyed it so much that he decided to leave his bungalow at Sandford and
       move to Bere Regis, he enjoyed his time in Bere taking part in all the village events   COUNCIL
       and taking his much loved dog, old Nibbles, for walks along the river.
       He made regular trips to Guernsey in his little white van  loaded to the rafters with   The Parish Council meeting on 14th April was once again held remotely to comply
       his trusted partner Nibbles ( The oldest dog in the world ) at his side.  Dave loved   with  Government  social  distancing  guidance.  Before  the  meeting  began,
       Guernsey, but not as much as he loved old Nibbles.                                   Councillors took a moment to reflect on the passing of HRH Prince Philip, Duke of
       Alison  recalls  taking  a  call  from  Dave  from  the  stroke  unit  after  one  of  his  near   Edinburgh.  As Chairman, I expressed on behalf of all parishioners our gratitude for
       death experiences, with instructions to smuggle Nibbles into Dorchester Hospital in   his  lifetime  of  service  and  the  support  he  offered  to  Her  Majesty  The  Queen
       a Wheel Chair under a blanket so that he could see him.                              throughout  her  reign  as  Monarch.    We  also  expressed  our  condolences  to  the
                                                                                            Queen and the Royal Family for their personal loss.
       The mission was going pretty well until they had to use the lift and Nibbles started
       making a noise, a woman in the lift turned and said “Can I hear a dog” Alison just
       put her head to one side and looked puzzled; then got out of the lift as quick as    Household food waste and glass
       lightening  and  proceeded  to  push  Nibbles  in  the                               recycling collections
       wheelchair to Dave in the Ward.
                                                                                            The  Parish  Council  has  written  several  times  to
       Luckily they pulled it off with the help of a friendly Staff                         Dorset Waste Partnership regarding the collections
       Nurse; Dave was able to feed him the sausage he had                                  of waste as concerns have been raised about the
       saved from his lunch.                                                                care  that  is  taken  with  the  bins.  Councillors

       To be fair Dave had a lot of near death experiences but                              reported that there has been no improvement still
       until this last time he fought back from them all.                                   and  so  the  Clerk  will  once  again  make  a

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