Page 13 - br-may-2021
P. 13

May 2021                              May 2021
 inserted in his mouth.  He had black and purple hair made out of wavy wool.  I   NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER
 watched  her  struggle  to  put  him  outside  but  as  soon  as  he  was  vertical  all  his
 padding went south and he lost his shape.     Coming  up  in  May  we  have  the  State  Opening  of
 Why was she so bad tempered?   After weeks of inertia she suddenly had to do   Parliament. The news this week has been full of the
 something  for  a  deadline  and  it  was  hard  work.  The  house  was  a  tip.    She  had   very  sad  death  of  His  Royal  Highness  the  Duke  of
 purple paint hands and there were chips of plastic all over the floor and glue on   Edinburgh, and I attended a very moving memorial
 the  table.    The  creative  process  was  being  frustrated.      Having  said  that  most   service  for  him  in  Wimborne  Minster.  This  year’s
 people  (bar  one  friend  who  was  honest  enough  to  say  it  was  terrible)  have   Queen’s speech was already going to be unlike any
 enjoyed the Scarecrows and appreciated the effort.  At least the weather was dry   other due to the coronavirus restrictions, and Prince
 as I am sure if it rained, the purple paint would have run producing purple puddles   Philip  has  not  accompanied  her  to  the  State
 in the street.   Opening for several years. I am sure however, that
        the  Queen  will  very  much  miss  his  support  and
 She   has   completed   the   constancy.  We don’t yet have all the full details of
 2021Census,  so  her  presence      how the State Opening will operate, but it is being carefully planned. It is usually
 here,  is  recorded  for  posterity.    an  occasion  when  all  the  members  of  the  House  of  Lords  and  House  of
 They  didn’t ask about dogs  as I   Commons gather together in one place – which of course will not be possible
 am  not  important.    I  am   this year.
 recording  my  life  here  at  this
 moment as it is in this magazine.    At  the  State  Opening,  the  Queen  will  read  out  a  speech  prepared  by  the
 I am sure if dogs were recorded,   Government detailing the plans for the Parliamentary year. Some of the Bills will
 there  would  be  many  more   be  carried  over  from  the  current  Parliamentary  session,  including  the  Police,
 dogs.  There  is  a  higher  than   Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, the Environment Bill and the Armed Forces Bill.
 average  incidence  of  dog   The  Government  have  also  confirmed  that  we  will  introduce  legislation  to
 ownership in this village.  There is   improve the building safety regulations, reform our asylum system and to repeal
 a lot of worry about dog theft.  She still leaves me outside the shop.  She says, at   the Fixed-term Parliaments Act.
 least people, know whose dog I am.  I am chipped.  No one would steal me, I am   Here in Dorset we have been having a period of very unsettled weather. I got
 too old and no one would want the vet’s bills.  Speaking of which, I have been   caught in a rather unexpected hail storm whilst cycling, having set out in glorious
 back to see the Spanish Vet in Blandford.  I have new drugs and am much better.    sunshine. Hopefully by the time this is published, the weather will have improved
 I think being inside is getting to her.  She still watches the News and all the Covid   and we will be enjoying some more sunshine.
 statistics.  The news from America is the George Floyd Murder Trial.  She was saying   The  changeable weather has  been  challenging  for those  meeting  friends  and
 on zoom she was fed up with news pictures of vaccinations and discussion about   family outside as restrictions have been gradually eased, but it is still important to
 Astra Zeneca blood clots.  She should be careful what she wished for.  The Duke of   ensure  good  ventilation  once  we  are  able  to  meet  socially  indoors  later  this
 Edinburgh died and rolling news coverage was fine for a few news bulletins but it   month. It’s excellent news that the roadmap is on track so far, with more retail
 was all channels and went on repeating forever.  She stopped watching and read   and  hospitality  able  to  open,  and  the  opening  up  again  of  sport  and  other
 a book.   leisure activities. With cases hopefully continuing to fall, and  vaccination levels

 The weather has been dry but very cold at night.  There have even been some   high, we will be able to continue to open up even further. This week the Dorset
 flurries of snow.  My owner tells me it is statistically more likely to snow at Easter in   healthcare  area  is  the  top  in  the  country  for  first  doses  of  the  vaccine,  with
 Dorset than at Christmas.  The grass is growing but slowly, too cold at night and not   hundreds  of  people  now  getting  their  second  dose.  For  those  of  you,  like  me,
 enough moisture.     who have not yet been called for your jab, please be assured that the local GPs
        and  vaccination  hubs  are  working  incredibly  hard  get  through  everybody  as
 We  are  back  to  the  rule  of  six  outside.    We  went  to  a  garden  Good  Friday   quickly as they can.
 breakfast  for  scrambled  eggs,  salmon  with  buttered  Hot  cross  buns  coffee  and
 marmalade.  It was cold and everyone was wearing coats woolly hat and gloves.    I  know  this  has  been  a  very  challenging  time  for  our  cultural  sector,  and  I am
 It was sunny but so good for humans to get together legally.  Another get together   really pleased that several of our local businesses and charities have benefited

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