Page 7 - br-may-2021
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May 2021                              May 2021

 BRIANTSPUDDLE VILLAGE SHOP – NOT   Because your feet are downhill from your heart, blood has to flow up in your veins
       from your feet to your heart, against gravity.  Small ‘gate-valves’ inside your veins
 JUST FOR COVID 19      open to let the blood flow up, and close to prevent the blood from flowing back
       down.    If you  suddenly  become  afraid  of something,  the warm  blood  rushes  to
       your brain.  The temperature of your feet falls and you get ‘cold feet’.
 Well  apart  from  the  frosts  which  are  continuing  to   God made your foot to be one of the most ingenious devices ever made.  You
 prevent planting of Dahlia’s in the garden it is starting   can see how your feet work by your footprints in the sand.  When you walk your
 to  feel  like  spring.  I’ve  managed  breakfast  in  the   heel prints will be deeper than your toe prints.  When you run, your toe prints will
 garden for a few mornings now and when faced with   be the only ones seen.
 a  day  in  front  of  the  laptop  starting  the  morning  off
 outside certainly makes me feel much better.   This last thought reminded me of this well known poem ‘Footprints in the Sand’ by
       Margaret Powers.
 The  village  shop  continues  to  be  well  stocked  with
 fresh fruit and veg. We have inevitably seen sales start   “One night I had a dream.  I was
 to reduce as we are all beginning to travel a bit further   walking  along  the  beach  with
 and  shop  in  town.  My  greatest  hope  though  is  that  everyone  will  continue  to   the  Lord,  and  across  the  sky
 support the shop and ensure we can continue to provide the wide stock that has   flashed  scenes  of  my  life.    In
 been so appreciated over the last year.   each scene I noticed two sets of
       footprints  in  the  sand,  one  was
 There  are  many  ways  you   mine  and  one  was  the  Lord’s.
    can  support  the  shop.  First   When  the  last  scene  of  my  life
 and foremost, by coming in a   appeared  before  me,  I  looked
 using  it.  We  are  open  every   back at the footprints in the sand,
 day Monday to Saturday 9 till   and to my surprise I noticed that
 12  and  10  till  12  on  Sundays.   many times along the way there
 We  have  a  wide  range  of   was  only  one  set  of  footprints,
 Sainsbury’s  product  and  we   and  I  saw  that  it  was  at  the
 are  proud  of  the  wide  range   lowest and saddest times of my life.
 of  fresh  fruit  and  Veg,  meat
 from   Curtis’,   bread   from   I asked the Lord about it.  ‘Lord, You said that once I decided to follow You, You
 Williams  of  Wool  and  the   would walk  all the way  with  me.   But  I notice that during  the most  troublesome
 Italian  bakery  in  Wareham   times of my life there is only one set of footprints.  I don’t understand why You left
 and dairy from Sargents dairy.   my side when I needed You most.’  The Lord said: ‘My precious child, I never left
       you  during  your  times  of  trial.    Where  you  see  only  one  set  of  footprints,  I  was
 There  are  other  ways  of   carrying you.”
 support  too.  Do  you  fancy  a
 morning once a fortnight serving in the shop? It’s a great way to meet people if   We have all found life difficult over the last year, with all the restrictions caused by
 you’re  new  to  the  area.  There’s  plenty  of  support  for  training  and  Monday  to   covid 19, and some of us may have felt very alone during that time.  It is good to
 Friday there’s always someone in the Post Office too.   remember  that Jesus is there for us, and when we put our lives in His hands, He will
       help us, and even carry us through these hard times. He says, “I have made you,
 Or maybe a behind the scenes job would suit you better. We collect stock 7 days   and I will carry you.  I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” Isaiah 46:4   “Come to
 a week, the papers come from Puddletown, the fruit and veg, Meat and Bread   me, all you who are wearied and burdened, and I will give you rest,... and you will
 come from Wareham and there are trips to Dorchester Market and Wool. We also   find rest for your souls.”  Matthew 11:28.  May the reality of God’s love and care
 need people to take in the Sainsbury’s delivery and stock the shelves.    bring you comfort and strength to face all the uncertain days ahead.  God bless
 It is great to be part of a wide team who together spread the load and ensure   you.
 the shop is there for all of us.                                  Joyce Healey

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