Page 11 - br-may-2021
P. 11

May 2021                              May 2021

 NEWS             He enjoyed the country shows and steam fairs and was supported by

                  the  wonderful  Wareham  Lions  with  their  disability  transport  bus,  this
 VILLAGE HALL NEWS   meant he could get places in his scooter.
         He was such a character bombing around on his mobility scooter, he went at
 Hi, here we are again hurtling through 2021. The sun   such a speed we named him Turbo Dave.
 is shining, the birds are singing and we are well into
 round two of the covid vaccinations. The lockdown   He  really  enjoyed  all  the  events
 easing  means  we  have  been  able  to  reopen  the   arranged  at  the  Pop  In  Place,
 village hall café, albeit outdoors, and fortunately so   especially  the    productions,  for  “The
 far  the  weather  has  made  that  possible.  It’s  been   Way out West”  he gave us a gun as a
 great  just  to  be  able  to  hear  laughter  and  conversations  amongst  friends  and   prop,  he  said  he  kept  it  in  his  bedside
 families again. The emergency government funding provided last year to help us   drawer in case of trouble.
 survive financially during the pandemic is starting to run out now and we will soon    Dave  came  on  the  Alzheimer’s
 have  to  start  dipping  into  our  reserves  so  let’s  hope  this  one  way  route  out  of   Memory walk, on his scooter of course;
 lockdown carries on successfully and we can see some more activities being able   we all had a job to keep up with him.
 to take place.
         The Christmas carol mornings, he loved
 With  the  café  re  opened  we  are  on   the  singing  and  particularly  the  mince
    the look out for a few volunteers who   pies.
 would  be  happy  to  bake  a  cake  a
 couple  of  times  a  month  or  maybe   We went to Holme Garden Centre and had lunch, he had a bit of trouble with
 help  out  in  the  kitchen  on  either   his new teeth, in the end he gave up wearing them altogether took them out
 Tuesday or Saturday mornings. Ideally   and put them in his pocket.
 with  enough  volunteers  we  won’t  be
 needing  to  ask  people  to  do  every   When we read he wanted a Pam Ayres poem at his funeral the one selected
 week but maybe a couple of shifts a   wasn’t a difficult choice.
 month. Please let me know if you are   During  this  time  his  health  deteriorated  and  he  had  a  stroke  making  this
 able  to  be  a  part  of  this  venture.  It’s   independent and strong man vulnerable.
 great to be able to raise some much
 needed funds but it’s also great to be   Sadly in what seems a very unfair world Dave was moved from Bere Regis for
 able  to  enjoy  the  atmosphere  of   his own safety and put into residential care.
 village life taking tentative steps back   It was hard for Dave to accept his lack of mobility and loss of independence
 to normality.   and  he  struggled  in  the  latter  years  of  his  life  but

 The village hall will play its part in getting the wheels of democracy turning again   underneath  he  was  still  quick  witted,  always  coming
 as  we  host  polling  for  the  local  elections  this  month  and  once  we  know  what   out with things that couldn’t fail to make you laugh.
 numbers and social distancing requirements will be in place when we are able to   After  another  attempt  at  independent  living  in
 begin using indoor spaces again we can look to see what events and activities   Sandford he eventually went back to Anglebury Court
 can begin again. Hopefully it won’t be too long before Pilates, yoga and keep fit   where he ended his days.
 may be able to start up once more. I know other hirers and supporters of the hall
         Where,  apart  from  the  recent  lock  down    and  not
         being able to escape around the town, taking out the
 Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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