Page 14 - br-may-2021
P. 14

May 2021                                                                             May 2021
                                                   from  the  culture  recovery            DOG BLOG
                                                   fund,  including  The  Tivoli  in
                                                   Wimborne,  and  the  Rex  in
                                                   Wareham.  Sport  is  also  re-          Scarecrows
                                                   starting, and I was delighted to
                                                   open  the  new  cricket  nets  at       It’s  all  my  fault,  that  my  Owner  is  tired  grumpy
                                                   The   Hamworthy    Club   in            frustrated  and  exhausted.    My  fault  that  I
                                                   Merley.  The  club  has  been           suggested she did a drag scarecrow.  It was her
                                                   acting as a vaccine hub, but is         idea  to  do  something  specific  like  Lawrence
                                                   now  also  able  to  open  for          Chaney  the  winner  of  Ru  Paul’s  drag  race.    Not
                                                   sport  and  hospitality.  This  is      much has gone right.
                                                   particularly good news for the          An appeal to the WI for a long dress or purple skirt
                                                   youth  teams,  as  I  know  that        produced  a  white  polyester  Wedding  dress.    An
       the lack of sport and recreation has been especially difficult for young people.    attempt to dye this purple produced a baby pink

       Please  do  get  in  touch  if  you  help  or  support.  As  my  staff  are  all  working  from   dress.  She then obtained purple spray paint from
       home, it is best to get in touch by email . I    the Range which is still open.  (Not many essential
       send  out  a  regular  email  update  –  you  can  sign  up  on  my  website        goods on sale in there but they sell Bird seed and  where  you  can  also  find  links  to  the  latest    pet food).  Only one tin of paint available and this
       coronavirus  advice.  Follow  me  on  twitter  @michael4MDNP  or  find  me  on      ran  out.    When  applied  to  the  fabric  the  paint
       facebook                                              went  everywhere  and  was  not  even.  She  used
                                                                                           cheap purple poster paint to finish it.

                                                                                           She  was  unable  to  get  black  and  white  check
                                                                                           fabric  for  the  racing  checks  and  used  fur  fabric
                                                                                           instead. She was thrilled to be able to order Ru Paul badges but they didn’t turn
                                                                                           up on time so were never used.  I was fed up with her bad moods.  I would come
                                                                                           in from a walk and find Lawrence Chaney’s Papier mache head drying out in the
                                                                                           oven.  His body was assembled and left lying on a trestle table in the front room as
                                                                                           if he was lying in state.  He was being regularly turned like a Covid patient so she
                                                                                           could work on both sides.

                                                                                                                  The  hands  were  made  from  plastic  Gloves  stuffed  with
                                                                                                                  tissues and wires.  His nails were cut out of a plastic milk
                                                                                                                  bottle  stuck  on  and  painted  red.    The  teeth  were
               LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT                                                                         fashioned  out  of  the  handles  of  plastic  knives  and

          Michael Tomlinson MP     
          holds regular surgeries
         in the constituency.  For     01202 624216
          details of forthcoming   
         surgeries or to make an
          appointment, please           @Michael4MDNP
            contact his office.

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