Page 29 - br-may2019
P. 29

May 2019                              May 2019

 BERE REGIS HISTORY SOCIETY   and Katharine for hosting the Explorers at this camp.

        In the summer term, there are more outdoor activities planned to take place at
 Our  March  meeting  took  place  on  the   Buddens Scout Adventures. The Explorers will be getting out and about on their
 third Wednesday, the 20th, at 7.30pm at   bikes in  order  to  practice for  their  summer  camp,  which is  to revisit  the  French
 the  Village  Hall.  We  began  with  a  short   and  Belgium  WW1  battlefield  sites  on  bicycle  and  to  find  out  more  about  the
 talk  on  Bere  Regis's  first  photographer,   men who lost their lives during the war.
 John  White  Boswell,  who  began  taking

 photos  in  1863,  some  of  which  were  of
 the village, but many more were portraits   DofE News
 of  families  and  eminent  people.  Next,
 with  World  War  One  still  in  our  minds,  a   Massive  congratulations  to  Daniel  Miller  who  has  now  achieved  his  Gold  DofE
 1917 Trench Mortar was displayed, to gasps, and illustrated the brutal nature of   award. This is the highest level of the award and during the last couple of years
 the later years of that conflict. Then Paul talked about the photo exhibition at the   Dan has been volunteering in the lower sections of the Scout Group, completed
        two wild country 4 day expeditions in Dartmoor, took part in a week’s residential
 Village Hall on 24th March, where some favourite photos together with some new
 finds  will  be  shown.  After  that  we  had   course learning new water activities and has also completed his new skills and
 another  short  talk  on  John  Hutchins,   physical sections of the award. He will be presented with the award in a special
        ceremony  at  either  Buckingham  Palace  or  St  James’s  Palace  within  the  next
 Dorset's  original  historian,  his  life  and  the
 showing  of  his  first  edition,  two-volume   year. A fantastic achievement - well done!
 book,  of  1774.  Of  particular  interest  to
 members  was  the  section  on  Bere  Regis   Scout News
 parish.  To  finish  off  we  had  an  array  of
 pottery examples covering the last 2,000   It  seems  that  Scout  nights  are  about  fitness  at
 years,  arranged  in  order  and  properly   the moment – hidden by it the fact that it is fun
 labelled,  so  that  we  are  in  a  better   so  they  don’t  actually  notice  they  are
 position to identify what we can all find in   exercising!      A  trip  to  Poole  to  the  Project
 our   gardens   during   the   coming   Climbing  Centre  was  a  huge  success  and  will
 gardening season. There were a number   no doubt form part of our yearly planning along
 of  new  documents  and  publications  for   with  ice  skating  and  Dorset  Water  Park  trip.
 members  to  study,  while  refreshments   Many  scouts  overcame  their  fears  and  scaled
 were available.                     the  walls  under
                                     the expert tuition
 John Pitfield
                                     of  the  instructors
 Project Secretary                   and     gained
                                     credits  for  the
        badges they are working towards.  Chocolate was
        the reward for the Easter themed relay races after
        a  great  game  of  hockeyball  (a  combination  of
        football  with  hockey  sticks  with  2  scouts  going
 When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw   head to head to score a goal).
 their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the   Bunnies  and  Bivvies  camp  at  Buddens  was  very
        popular  with  a  lovely  warm  day  that  got  cold  at
 effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more   night…some  got  stuck  in  sorting  the  cooking  and
        others ran the other way when the bunnies arrived.
 advertising revenue!!

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