Page 90 - BR-May-2018
P. 90

May 2018                                                                             May 2018
                                                                                           BERE REGIS                      Sidesmen
                                                                                           CHURCH ROTAS
        DATES FOR
                                                                                                                           6th   11.00am         Mr Bates/Mr House
                YOUR DIARY                                                                          Readers                      Chalice         Mrs Cox/Mr House
                                                                                                    6th    Major Booth/Mr        Intercessions   Mr Ward
        2018                                                                                               Cox
                                                                                                                           13th     11.00am      Junior Church
                                                                                                    20     Major Booth/Mrs
        May                                                                                                                20th   10.00am        Mr House/Mr Croom
        2nd     Mothers’ Union Revd Garry Guinness, Turberville Court   2.00 p.m.                                                Chalice         Mr Smith/Mr Ward
        4th     Pop in Place AGM, Lower Hall                          10.30am                                                      Intercessions   Mrs Welton
        8th     Floral Group, Katie Baxter                                                                                       6.00pm          Mr Gibbs
        9th     Autumn Leaves, Andrew Cannon
        16th    Pop in Place, Village Quiz, Upper Hall                7.30pm                                               27th   11.00am        TBC
        16th    WI, to be arranged


        1st     Bere Regis Church, Duck Race
                                                                                           Cleaning and Dusting
        6th     Mothers’ Union Holy Communion, Revd Rosey Coldwell    2.00 p.m.
        12th    Floral Group Party, Trisha Lewis                                                               Cleaning                 Dusting
        13th    Autumn Leaves, Mary Graham
                                                                                           7 & 14 May    Angela Jones          Eileen Salisbury
        20th    WI, Members’ Evening
                                                                                                         Jan Nurrish
        21st    Pop in Performers Summer Show, Muscial                6.00pm
        22nd    Pop in Performers Summer Show, Muscial                7.00pm               21 & 28 May   Tricia White          Tricia White
        23rd    Pop in Performers Summer Show, Muscial                4.00pm                             Alison Keogan         Alison Keogan
        30th    Bere Regis Church Summer Fete, Scout Hut
                                                                                           4 & 11 June   Tina Walker           Paula Kent

                                                                                                         Simon Walker          Rebecca Kent
        4th     Mothers’ Union talk by Tony and Iris Parker           2.00 p.m.
                                                                                           Sanctuary Flower
        10th    Floral Group, Vivienne Thompson
        11th    Autumn Leaves, Frank Holden                                                Guild
                                                                                                                     5th May      Mrs Gibson
        18th    WI, Wareham Walkabout

                                                                                                                     12th/18th    Mrs Harley
        8th     Autumn Leaves, Home Grown Entertainment
                                                                                                                     26th May     Mrs Standfield and Mrs Edmonds
        9th     Mothers’ Union, Mary Sumner Day at Nancy’s            2.00 p.m.

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