Page 74 - br-mar-2022
P. 74

March 2022                                                                          March 2022

       BERE REGIS                                                                                                    OBITUARIES
                                                                                                      complete. The first few years of their life together were spent living in
        Many people may not be fully aware of the                                                     the  village  of  Winfrith  Newburgh.  Both  became  enthusiastic
        facility  on  the  surgery  website  which  is  a                                    members  of  various  local  groups,  including  the  Winfrith  Drama  Group  and
        very effective way of making contact if you                                          they were also both active and faithful members of St Christopher’s Church.
        think  that  an  appointment  is  not  entirely                                      In 1999, after Bob’s licensing to the Benefice, Joan and Bob enjoyed many
        necessary.                                                                           happy years at The Rectory West Lulworth. Joan was a keen member of the
        I  had an instance, a couple of weeks’ ago , when I decided to use this and I was    Church  choir  and  always  enjoyed  taking  part  in  the  annual  Coast  and
        so impressed with the speed with which my enquiry was dealt with  -  a phone         Country Choral Festival. It was during this time that the folk group, “Hambury
        call  from  the  doctor  within  an  hour  of  registering  the  case.    It  really  is  very   Tout”,  were  formed  which  Joan  and  Bob  were  part  of  and  the  group
        straightforward to use (although I appreciate that many of our readers do not like   recorded  several  CDs.    One  of  their  tracks  was  even  played  on  the  Terry
        doing things on-line).  Certainly worth a try for non-urgent enquiries and problems.   Wogan Breakfast Radio Show!
                                                                                             In 2007, Bob was offered a job at St Mary’s Church in the Parish of St Mary’s
                                                                                             Jersey  and  so  he  and  Joan  moved  to  the  Island  and  enjoyed  5  incredible
                                                                                             years there.  Joan once again threw herself into life on the Island.  She joined
                                                                                             the  Church  Choir,  volunteered  for  the  local  meals  on  wheels  group  and
                                                                                             joined  the  singing  group  “Concordia”  who  toured  places  such  as  France,
                                                                                             Germany and Sark. During their time in Jersey, the residents of St Mary’s and
                                                                                             beyond  welcomed  Bob  and  Joan  with  open  arms  and  lasting  friendships
                                                                                             were made which they treasured dearly.
                                                                                             After  moving  back  to  West  Lulworth  in  2012,  Joan  joined  the  Inner  Wheel
                                                                                             Group and held the position of Secretary for many years.  She also joined the
                                                                                             “Open the  Book” team and  helped  bring to life  bible stories for children at
                                                                                             the  local  school,  as  well  as  returning  to  the  stage  as  part  of  the  Lulworth
                                                                                             Players.  Joan also became Churchwarden at St John the Baptist Church in
                                                                                             Bere Regis and continued in that role until her dying day.
                                                                                             Joan was an extremely talented lady. She was a fine artist and painted many
                                                                                             a scenery back-drop for the Winfrith and Lulworth Drama groups. But her real
                                                                                             passion was singing and throughout the years she sang with numerous choir
                                                                                             groups and on many occasions even she sang at the Royal Albert Hall!

                                                                                             In 2005 Joan became a Granny to Caitlin and in 2008 to Madison.  She was

                                                                                             the best Granny in World, even travelling as far as the
        This image appears on the front page of the surgery website, so just click on the    Falkland Islands (twice) to help with babysitting. She
        Get  Started  button  and  off  you  go.    Because  it  takes  you  through  a  lot  of   loved  spending  time  with  her  grandchildren  and
        common conditions, it can provide you with links to further information which can    always  kept  them  entertained  with  arts  and  crafts,
        be quite helpful.  It can be a little tedious, as can be the case with several NHS   and adventures by the sea-side.
        applications, but it does link with the surgery, if you need it to.
                                                                                             Joan  was  a  devoted  mother  to  Martin  and  Lesley,
                                                                      Ed  - Alison           always supportive, always encouraging, and as only
                                                                                             mothers can be, always right! Thanks Mum.

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