Page 69 - br-mar-2022
P. 69

March 2022                            March 2022

 Young  people  have   We all know the best medicine is laughter.
 suffered  significantly   Maybe a good dose of that is what we are after?
 d u r i n g    t h e
 p a n d e mi c ,    a n d   Music is therapeutic, so sing a song!
 during   Children’s   Sing it out loud, or just hum along.
 Mental  Health  Week   Hair lack lustre and lost it’s shine?
 I  met  the  charity
 Place  2  Be,  to  hear   Just wear a smile and say you feel fine!
 about their work and                    Eileen Richardson
 ways   to   improve
 children’s  mental  health.  Exam  stress  can  be  a  significant  factor  for  our
 young people,  so I’m  pleased  that we have  already outlined plans  to help
 them better prepare for GCSEs and A-levels this year. You can find out more   Unusual Pets:  Centipede
 on the Department for Education website.

 Please do get in touch if you would like me to visit your business or charity, or if
 you  need  help  and  support  and  would  like  to  see  me  in  a  surgery.    You  can   My centipede can't dress itself,
 contact me via email or call my office on   Songs for Sale   and that's a rotten shame
 01202 624216. Every month or so I send out an email newsletter to update people
 on what I have been doing in London and the constituency, and with useful links   Songs for sale, songs for sale:   for doing up its buttons
 and information. You can read previous issues on my website, where you can also   Songs  to  make  you  happy  when  you   is really quite a game
 sign up to receive it:   feel blue.   and  pulling  all  those  socks  on  is
       Songs to make everyone start singing,   always such a chore,

       Songs to make every bell start ringing.   one  pair,  perhaps,  is  not  too  bad
                                               but fifty is a bore.
       Songs for sale, songs for sale:
       Songs to make you feel so happy and     Then when I've finished dressing it,
       bright.                                 complete in pants and braces,
       Songs to make you lift up your voice,   there's fifty pairs of shoes to fit
       Songs to make you laugh and rejoice.
                                               and each pair has its laces.
       The world seems a much better place
 LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT   If you have a song to sing.          Chris Nother
       Wear a smile and sing out loud –
 Michael Tomlinson MP       You’ll feel like a King.
 holds regular surgeries     Songs for sale, songs for sale:
 in the constituency.  For     01202 624216   Songs to make everything worthwhile.
 details of forthcoming   
 surgeries or to make an      You’ll feel happy the whole day long
 appointment, please   @Michael4MDNP   If you just learn to sing a song.

 contact his office.       Eileen Richardson

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