Page 79 - br-mar-2022
P. 79

March 2022                            March 2022

 stove,  offering  a  clean,  free  way  to  cook  food  that  requires  minimal  human
 intervention and no fossil fuels.   The Queen's Green Canopy
 The  system  helps  refugee  camps  solve  more  than  one  problem.    The  large   An Oak Tree with a commemorative plaque has been purchased in celebration
 quantities  of  organic  waste  produced  in  such  camps  pose  both  hygiene  and   of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee this June. This will be planted on land owned by
 environmental  challenges.    Moreover  disposing  of  the  waste  in  a  sustainable   the Erica Trust. Of course, June not being the optimum time to plant a tree, it will
 manner requires financial resources from a system that has no money to waste.    be planted in March before the Jubilee. Please see the Briantspuddle Community
 The home biogas not only takes care of the disposal issue without any financial   website for updates as details of the planting ceremony will be published there for
 implications, it also does so in a way that produces a renewable energy source.    anyone wishing to attend.
 The biogas also provides a safer way to cook by eliminating the need for cooking
 fires,  that  have  in  the  past  resulted  in  runaway  blazes  racing  through  crowded
 camps.”   Parish Council Meetings

 What  a  clever  invention,  yet  one  that  makes  such  a  huge  difference  to  the   The January and February Parish Council meetings were cancelled in favour of an
 people in refugee camps.  It makes us realise how blessed we are to have all the   online alternative due to Coronavirus cases, however the Council intends to be
 facilities that we have, yet take for granted.   meeting again in the main hall on Wednesday 9  March at 7pm.
  I  think  we  have  come  to  value  our  own  refuse  collections  much  more,  as  the   Sue Jones, Chairman
 usual routine has been affected by staff shortages because of covid!
 I’m so grateful that God has ways to clean up the mess that we make of our lives
 at times, even in the small things, where an unkind word or action can cause hurt
 and  pain.    Jesus  gave  His  life  when  He  died  on  the  cross  so  that  we  can  be
 forgiven, and know the new life that He wants to give us.  His love is there for us
 24/7,  so we can talk to Him in prayer at any time. It’s important we don’t let the
 rubbish build up in our lives, but that we ask Jesus to clean us up and give us His
 new life.

  Jesus said,” I am the light of the world, whoever follows Me will never walk in
 darkness, but will have the light of life.”  John 8:12

 Just a Smile

 Was Jesus a crank?     A crank is a piece of technology which creates revolutions!

 The preacher’s son was watching his father preparing next Sunday’s sermon.
 “How do you know what to say, Daddy,” he asked   “God tells me,” replied his
 “Then why do you keep crossing bits out?”

        Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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