Page 75 - br-mar-2022
P. 75

March 2022                            March 2022


 Joan Naylor – Funeral – Monday 7 February 2022
 On 27 August 1944, in Morecombe, Lancashire a very special baby was born.
 Her name was Joan.  No middle name. Just Joan. She was the only child of
 Ron and Ivy Hargreaves.
 Joan  was  a  very  talented  young  lady  and  was  soon  to  be  accepted  into
 Morecombe  Grammar  School  where  she  excelled  in  languages  gaining  A
 grades  in  German,  French  and  Latin.    Joan  spent  much  of  her  childhood
 working alongside her parents for a family who owned a boarding house but
 she was also a Sunday School Teacher at Sefton Congregational Church and
 loved being part of the local Church Youth Club during her teenage years.
 In  1963  Joan  was  accepted  as  a  direct  entrant  into  the  Civil  Service  at
 Executive  Officer  grade.    She  was  just  19  when  she  made  the  move  from
 Morecombe  to  Tunbridge  Wells  to  join  HM  Land  Registry.    Joan  was
 nicknamed ‘Clogs’ at her new job because of her broad Lancashire accent   When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them
 which she quickly changed to fit in with her southern colleagues!
 In  1964  she  met  her  first  husband  Terry  at  the  Land  Registry  and  they  were   you saw their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them
 married in 1967.  In 1971 Joan had her first child, Martin and in 1973 she had   monitor the effectiveness of their advert and helps us
 her daughter Lesley.
 After  Terry  received  a  promotion  in  1975,  the  family  moved  to  Hartpury,   generate more advertising revenue!!
 Gloucestershire. Joan had taken a career break from work to look after their
 two children but as well as being a devoted Mum, she also threw herself into
 village  life.  She  was  a  prominent  member  of  the  Hartpury  Drama  group,
 performing in  many  pantomimes  and  Old  Time  Music  Hall  productions.  She
 also helped with a local Christian children’s group called the GFS,  a world-
 wide  charitable  organisation  which  empowers  girls  and  young  woman.
 Many special friendships were made during this time which continue to this   Quality Tax and
 day.      KingsBere                                Accounting
 When Martin and Lesley were a bit older Joan returned to her job at the Land
 Registry.  In 1985, Joan and Terry sadly parted ways   For professional advice, dealing with all
 and  Joan  transferred  her  job  from  the  Gloucester   Accountants   aspects of accounts and tax
 office to the Weymouth Office in Dorset. Joan loved
 her  job  very  much  and  relished  the  challenge  of  a
 complex  registration.  Her  favourite  and  most   Day and evening appointments available
 challenging  registration  was  that  of  Bournemouth
 Airport which ironically is where her son Martin works
 today!          Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304
 During  this  time  Joan  met  Bob  and  her  life  was

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