Page 71 - br-mar-2022
P. 71

March 2022                            March 2022

 loved to feed visitors, and wouldn’t feel it was a proper visit unless   PRIMARY AND PRE-SCHOOL
 she had managed to feed them at the very least a cup of tea and   Southbrook, Bere Regis, BH20 7DB  01929 471334
 a piece of cake, but better still would be the opportunity to make a full meal,
 or a cream tea. She was amazing at cooking even when she could scarcely
        Two years on, looking forward.
 Joan  looked  after  her  parents  throughout  the  1970s,  80s  and  90’s,  whilst
 working part-time. She also used to look after her grandchildren in the school   For the majority of my time as head of Bere Regis school,
 holidays when their parents were working. At the same time Joan dealt with   we have been dealing with the changes to education that
 admin for Geoffrey’s clock restoration business. Taking items he had made to   Covid  19  has  brought.  School  closures,  home  learning,
 the post office, admin and accounting.   isolation  and  bubbling  have  been  the  order  of  the  day.
        Cancelled trips, no singing and P.E outside, whatever the weather. It hasn’t been
 Joan’ s greatest joy was spending time with her family at home, their homes   easy for anyone, not least the children, who have been incredibly resilient.
 and on the beach at Studland or later Branksome Dene Chine. Sadly this was
 more difficult these last 2 years with lockdown restrictions.  We even took her   The start of 2022 has brought renewed energy and optimism; as we move further
 to the beach, Wrapped up in several blankets she was pushed in her wheel   into the spring and restrictions are slowly being lifted, we are looking forward to
 chair along the prom and she declared that the fresh air had done her good.    returning  to  something  near  normal.  Already  this  year,  we  have  forged  ahead
        with residential visits, trips to museums and plenty of welly walks. These curriculum
 Only 2 days before she went into hospital we had a little lunch party at Sara’s,   enhancements are the elements that create the awe and wonder moments that
 which she enjoyed.    children remember long into adulthood.
 She  was  very  pleased  to  have  been  able  to  lay  the  ashes  of  her  beloved   At the end of January, Kimmeridge Class embarked on a three day residential to
 Geoffrey to rest in Bere Regis churchyard in December.  She was so glad that   Leeson House in Swanage; accompanied by four members of school staff. They
 so many long standing friends joined the family on that occasion, as we were   enjoyed  a  plethora  of  activities  including  orienteering,  map  work,  river  studies
 very restricted in what we were allowed at the time of his death.   and the famous night walk. The residential element of the trip was all the more
        special  and  valuable  on  this  occasion;  many  of  the  children  had  not  stayed
 Joan  bore  her  increasing  physical  ailments  with  patience  the  continued   away  from  home  before,  due  to  lockdown  restrictions  curbing  the  usual
 reduction of her eye sight was very hard to bear.  She managed with an iPad   sleepover opportunities, they would previously have already experienced.
 that  magnified  as  much  as  possible,  but  for  someone  who  loved  reading,
 puzzles and crosswords it was a sad affliction.   In  February,  we  had  a  visit  from  the
 Her faith was extremely important to her, and until her eyes deteriorated, she      Explorer dome, with the whole school
                                              having  the  chance  to  visit.  The
 read her bible reading fellowship notes every day.
 Joan’s  main  concern  was  always  her  family  –  Geoffrey,  her  children,
 grandchildren  and  great-grandchild.  She  loved  to  hear  everyone’s  news,
 and her favourite times were family get-togethers, when
 she  could  make  sure  that  we  were  all  well-fed  and
 comfortable.  Even  in  the  last  few  weeks,  as  we  visited
 her in the hospital and the care home, she would invite
 us to help ourselves to biscuits, or make ourselves a cup
 of tea.
 Joan said “We lived in Bere Regis for 51 years and made
 amazing friends and thoroughly enjoyed living there”

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