Page 77 - br-mar-2022
P. 77

March 2022                            March 2022

 Readers will have seen the sad news last month about our churchwarden, Joan.
 Our former vicar, Charles Masheder attended the funeral service and I asked him
 if we could reproduce his Address.

 His words are as follows:
 It  was  a  lovely  occasion  and  there  were  about  120  people  present  and  the
 church was really full for Joan's service.
 I  read  the  Family  Tribute  and  gave  my  Address.  As  far  as  my  Address  is
 concerned,  as  always,  I  had  virtually  no  notes  but  it  was  structured  round  four
 aspect's of Joan's personality which I associated with four colours:

 Green - the colour of new life and growth - her Faith and her prayer life and her
 love of gardening.
 Purple - associated with Lent and the sufferings of Christ - her wonderful resilience
 and courage in her own sufferings.

 Yellow  -  always  bright  and  shining  -  her  joy  in  life  reflected  in  her  singing,  her
 acting, her art etc.
 Red - the colour of love - the warmth of her love for all people but particularly for
 her family and most of all for Bob.
 These are beautiful words, and so appropriate.  The family tribute is overleaf.
 Ed   -  Alison


 The  family  of  the  late  Joan  Booth  would  like  to  thank  all  who  joined  us  on  the
 occasion of her funeral.  We are sorry we did not get to speak to many of you but
 it was a great comfort for us to see the church so full.
 We  would  also like  to  thank  all  those involved in the service, including the Rev.
 Jenny  who  stepped  in  at  short  notice.    We  also  thank  Rev.  Sandra  who  visited
 Joan in her final days and has been very supportive of the family, particularly in
 these last few weeks.
 Thank you
 Sara Ellis (eldest daughter of Joan)

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