Page 51 - br-march-2020
P. 51

March 2020                            March 2020

 have  a  symbiotic  relationship  with  the  tree  root  system.  Recent  research  has
 discovered  that  these  Mycorrhizae  are  fine  hair  like  filaments  that  attach
 themselves to the tree roots and create a deep intricate and vast underground
 network. The Mycorrhizae can extend for 10 times or more the length of the tree
 root and they assist the tree in absorption of essential nutrients. So it is worth noting
 that when we admire our trees they are relying on an underground system that
 extends over a wide area, a great distance from the tree. We can only begin to
 imagine what is developing underground as May’s Wood develops!

 February’s Conservation Working Party
 Our  wonderful  group  of  volunteers
 were  blessed  with  a  mild  and  dry
 morning  for  the  February
 conservation  working  party.  You
 can  see  them  hard  at  work  in  the

 Part of our work this winter has been
 to  enable  more  light  to  reach  the
 stream which will improve its health
 and  species  diversity.  The  area

 between  Jubilee  and  Shitterton
 bridges  is  particularly  shaded  by
 large   hazels.   Hazels   have                    Dorchester
 traditionally  been  coppiced  at
 regular  intervals,  but  most  of  them              Framing
 along  the  stream  bank  have  not
 been for  many  years.  Some  of  the           Picture and framing service
 basal trunks could be 100 years old               with a wide selection of
 or more. We have so far cut back 4                 mounts and frames.
 large  old  hazels  along  a  30  metre          Open most days but best
 length  of  the  stream  –  see  photo.          call first before making a
 One of them had 45 thick basal branches removed! There is an attractive path
 along  this  part  of  the  stream  and  we  laid  the  cut  branches  to  consolidate  the   special trip.

 Our Next Conservation Working Parties – Come and Join Us   The Old School House
                                                     Tincleton DT2 8QR
 Please come and join us on one of our conservation working parties.
                                                     01305 848909
 The next working parties will be held on:

 Saturday Saturday 7th March and Saturday 4  April 2020.

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