Page 34 - BR June 2024 with duck - converted
P. 34

June  2024                                                                          June 2024

       The Beauty of Weeds                                                                  BERE REGIS WI
       During the merry month of May, you have probably been ‘weeding’ the garden in
       preparation for this season’s planting. However, stop for a moment and have look
       at the small flowers of these very common plants. They often have a beautiful form   May has been a busy  month for the WI. On Friday,
       and when looked at closely compare well with our colourful garden flowers. They     10  the ladies visited Carey’s Secret Garden with a
       are the nectar source for small insects which are at the bottom end of the food     member  of  staff  to  explain  their  short  history  and
       chain and play an important role in wildlife conservation. Get your hand lens out or   their  planting  plans  .    As    they  have  only  been
       switch your mobile to macro and have a look!                                        reworking this walled garden since 2019 remarkable
                                                                                           progress has been made. There are now areas for plants that thrive in arid areas,
       It is  often said that  a ‘weed is  a plant in  the  wrong place’.  Most of these  plants   [cactus and succulents] trees and plants that provide us with food, herbs that we
       produce very large quantities of seeds which by natural means of seed dispersal
       find  their  way into your  garden.  Some  have very  extensive root systems  that  are
       difficult to remove. We will leave Nettles and Couch grass aside and look at just 4
       of the many little plants that you may be weeding out.
                              1,  Changing  forget-me-not,
                              with minute flowers that open
                              from a coil and change from
                              yellow to blue as they age;
                              2.  Thyme-leaved  speedwell,
                              3mm  diameter  flowers,  white
                              with  elegant  blue  lines  that
                              attract insects to the flower;
                              3.  Herb  Bennet,  a  hedge                  2
                              bank   plant   with   yellow                                                                                   know     along    side
                              flowers,  that  easily  finds  its                                                                             medicinal   and   ‘well
                              way into shaded areas of the                                                                                   being’  varieties.  There  is
                              garden, This is a Geum and a                                                                                   a large vegetable area,
                              close relation to the colourful                                                                                a “no dig” example and
                              garden varieties;                                                                                              a  variety  of  garden
                                                                                                                                             plants  for  us  to  note  for
                              4. And last but not least, Field                                                                               our  own  gardens.  Our
                     3        Bindweed,  one  of  the  two   4                                                                               g u i d e    w a s    ve r y
                              bindweeds that find their way
                              into  the  garden  and  give                                                                                   knowledgeable and the
                                                                                                                                             staff,  conscious  of  the
                              gardeners  a  real  problem  at                                                                                very   warm   weather,
                              times!                                                                                                         kindly  opened  up  their
                                                                                                                                             barn  to  provide  shade,
       Bere Regis Three Walks                                                                                                                seating  and  cold  drinks
                                                                                           for  those  who  needed  a  short  break  from  the  tour.  A  most  enjoyable  and
       Some time back the Parish Council produced a helpful leaflet outlining three walks   informative morning.
       around the village and the near countryside. The walks were of varying length and
       included Snow Hill / Back Lane, the stream and May’s Wood, and Black Hill. In the   For our monthly meeting Steve Belasco was invited for a second visit. Last year he
                                                                                           took us along our coast line in photographs taken from his boat. This time, again

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