Page 37 - BR June 2024 with duck - converted
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June  2024                            June 2024
 The next excitement was when a playwright said he would like to read my debut   MORE FROM THE BERE REGIS RECIPE BOOK
 novel  and  it  was  subsequently  staged  in  2019.  While  having  a  debut  novel
 published  is  incredible,  seeing  one’s  characters  come  to  life  on  stage  is  very
 exciting. Between publication of my debut novel and its adaptation to the stage,
 I was asked to write the updated history of the Harpenden Trust in celebration of   At  the  April meeting  Alison cooked a Madeira cake from our recipe book.  This
 its  70   anniversary. This  charity  gives  a great deal back  to those  in  need  in  the   cake  is  not  named  after  the  islands  but  after  Madeira  wine  which  was  often
 town.    served with the cake.    This cake has more flour than a Victoria sponge and a
       denser texture holding its shape often used for novelty cakes.
 Although I really enjoy teaching, the paperwork has increased substantially and it
 became  increasingly  difficult  for  me  to  write.  As  I  have  been  a  member  of  the
 Society  of  Authors  for  some  time,  in  the  Society’s  newsletter  I  saw  an   As it appears in the Bere Regis Recipe Book
 advertisement for a flat in Cyril Wood Court. Viewing it wasn’t easy as Covid was   Mrs. Bailey Brighton
 still  around.    End  result  was  that  I  viewed  the  flat  twice  and  decided  to  leave
 Harpenden, Hertfordshire, for Dorset, in spite of the fact that I knew no-one at all in   Madeira cake
 Bere  Regis.  The  one  town  I  knew  in  Dorset  was  Bridport,  to  which  I  had  been   4 oz butter
 coming for 15 years for its writing events.
       4 oz caster sugar
 I’ve now been in Bere Regis for two years and am gradually getting to know some   6 oz flour (Self Raising)
 lovely  people  as  well  as  writing/researching  most  days.  In  January  2023,
 Dorchester library asked me to give an author talk and that led to several other   2 eggs
 library  requests  for  talks.  Also,  Purbeck  radio  requested  an  interview  and  a   Some grated Lemon peel and strained juice
 journalist wrote a half page article in the Dorset Echo. In June 2023, my third book   Some small pieces of crystallized ginger or cherries
 was  published  and  I  am  now  working  on  my  fourth,  based  on  climate  change   which preferred.
 and biodiversity in Dorset. Research for this has been helped greatly, first, by local
 climate  change  expert,  Ted  Cox,  who  lent  me  several  books.    I  have  ideas  for   Beat  butter  and  sugar  to  a  cream  beat  up  eggs
 several books on this subject and am looking forward to working with experts on   and mix in add lemon stir in flour and well beat up
 hedgehogs, beavers and butterflies in the Dorset Wildlife Trust.   add  peel  or  cherries  bake  in  moderate  oven  ¾
       hour – Not to be moved much in oven grease tin
 Finally, thank you to all those in Bere Regis who have made me feel welcome. As I   well and flour
 said at the outset, friendship has always been important to me and, as I knew no-
 one at all in the village, those of you who have been kind and helpful will always   Sue cooked the Porter cake made with London Porter a style of beer first brewed
 be special to me.   in London in the early 18  Century, Named after its popularity with London Porters.
       It is a dark beer and a came to be developed in Ireland as Guinness and Stouts.
       During the First World War there were shortages in grain and strict rules introduced
       in England meant the Irish were able to develop stronger beers.  Stout continued
 Editor’s  note:  Pamela’s  novel  ‘The  Birth  of  Gossip’  was  reviewed  by  the  Social
 Bookworms group in the May issue of this magazine.   to be popular.  We remember, Ena Sharples and her friends in early episodes of
       Coronation  Street, quaffing stout,  in the Rovers Return.   Those of us  old enough
       remember  the  slogan  for  Mackeson  “It  looks  good  Tastes  good  and  by  Golly  it
       does you good”
       I used London Fullers Stout from Waitrose.  A half litre bottle which meant I could
       drink the excess having taken half pint for the cake and it is pretty good to drink
       on its own as well.
       Another odd ingredient was the citron.  I couldn’t source this and used a mixture
       of preserved lemons and a fresh lemon which seemed to work.  A citron is a large
       ugly thick skinned lemon originating in India and used for pickles and as candied

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