Page 35 - BR June 2024 with duck - converted
P. 35

June  2024                            June 2024

 If you signed the written notice to agree for the service to be provided during the   coming month or so you will see some small
 cooling-off  period,  and  the  business  gave  you  the  written  cancellation   ‘waymarker’  signs  appearing  marking  the
 information,  you’ll  have  to  pay  a  part  of  the  agreed  price.  The  amount  will   routes  of  these  three  walks  to  make  them
 depend on how much was completed when you asked to cancel.   easier  to  follow.  The  three  walks  will  be
       launched  later  with  further  information  to
 If  the  business  began  the  work  during  the  cooling-off  period  without  your   follow  on  some  signboards,  on  Facebook
 approval, you then have the right to cancel and get a full refund of all costs.   and on the village website.

 For  further advice, including  suggested  letter  templates, or  to report  to Trading   If  you  have  a  few  spare  hours  and  would
 Standards a trader who has not given you a written cancellation notice, visit the   like  to  help  with  putting  the  small
 Citizens  Advice  consumer  helpline  at  or  phone   waymarkers  up  and  erecting  a  few  posts
 0808 2231133.      please   contact      Mike   Gee   at / 0775 988 4942.

       Contact Us

       If you would  like to know more  about  the  work of the  Wildlife  and  Environment

 When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw their   Group or to be included on our mailing list, please contact:
 advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the effectiveness of   Tony Bates at / 01929 471563 or
 their advert and helps us generate more advertising revenue!!   Mike Gee at / 0775 988 4942.

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